
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (10)
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Member Since 4th May 2014
alice joined 3793 days ago and last visited 3501 days ago
Comments 4
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Poet Introduction

I've been told I'm an old soul and my poetry proves this notion. I write freestyle: raw, gritty, hard-hitting and unrestricted. May my words blanket those during the coldest of life's winters.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Charles Bukowski - the One and Only

About Me

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Alice: A Cautionary Tale

An ex-junky hippie stoner with a curiosity for the strange.

Psychonaut and Healer.

All-around head case who enjoys forfeiting the norm and has a  big-time jones for the 1960's.

Alices knows without poetry, meaning would cease to exist.

May the Universe smile upon every facet of your being.

<3 namaste <3

My Reading List

I am a Child by forever-for_real (Tess Stoops)

Poets I Follow
