afriendoftina (Hendy)

Twisted Dreamer
5awards United Kingdom
Read Poems (24)
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Member Since 21st April 2016
afriendoftina joined 3257 days ago and last visited 2199 days ago
Comments 15
Forum Posts 73
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Poet Introduction

Each time it is written, with each tap of a key. More words and more phrases to know the real me. But what yarns am I spinning, what tales do I tell? What's real, what's a facade, I'm not sure I know...but read along with me and just enjoy the show.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Brett Easton Ellis, Donna Tartt, Edna St. Vincent Millay

About Me

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I haven't been writing long. It all started when I almost spontaneously wrote my five-part poem "You, I & She", which tells my story of meth-addiction. It flew onto the page so organically, I just felt it spill onto the page.

I think I have developed a certain technique which I have tried to develop away from but I find it difficult - it seems so natural to me to write in rhyming couplets. Many may think it's cheesy or tacky or juvenile but there is a theory behind it. I tend to write very harrowing or twisted content and I think it could come across as disturbing if I was to write in a formal style but because I write in this jovial rhyming couplet style, like "The Nightmare before Christmas", it allows the content to have less of a shocking or off-putting effect. It's like the backhanded compliment: it has one good  meaning then a sharp undertone. The juxtaposition of writing about meth-addiction like Dr. Seuss is humourous to me.

My content tends to be on things like addiction, poisons, fantasy, abstract reinterpretations, twists, death, suicide, daemons, self-destruction and self-destruction.

Send me a message, drop me a line.
Take part in one of my competitions...I usually am running at least one.

TTFN and remember to SPARKLE and DESTROY,


Who murdered the meth addict?
You'll meet them in the mirror.