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Poet Introduction
It is the highest goal of an artist to make someone feel something, whatever feeling it may be. Let it be pure and genuine in all of its imperfect glory.
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PoeAbout Me
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I find comfort in words. Be they in stories, lyrics, poems, or conversations. There is a connection between people there. A shared experience that is so often lost in today's world. I have been writing for most of my life, not constantly, but with fair regularity from a young age. I have a lot to learn about poetry and I looking forward to exploring the vast reaches of creativity.
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Doing the "right" thing
by PeaceFlpw (Peace Flow)
~the delusional pages~
by crimsin (Unveiling)
Full: Journal Collection - Exhibit D
by Jestalessa
For someone from long ago ....
by jemac
Unrequited Puzzle Pieces
by Backwardbuttons
Where Rainbows Die
by Xaphan
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Twisted Dreamer