TinyToon85 (MiniMousexx)

Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (18)
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Birthday 9th December
Relationship Status Taken
Member Since 19th March 2013
TinyToon85 joined 4148 days ago and last visited 327 days ago
Comments 33
Forum Posts 17
Group Posts 1

Poet Introduction

I go to sleep with a pen just in case my words try to jump out my bed, God sends me visions of words in my dreams that are written on the backs of my eyelids,You can have the heart of a Lion in any lyrical battle  but I am the one that they call Daniel

Favorite Poets/Writers

Gemineye, E.E Cummings, All Def Poetry,Andrea Gibson,

About Me

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Nothing lasts forever..So live it up..Drink it down..Laugh it off..Avoid the bullshit..Take chances & never have regrets..Because at one point..everything you did..Was exactly what you Wanted!!