
Strange Creature
United Kingdom
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Birthday 6th December
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Member Since 4th January 2012
Teri joined 4806 days ago and last visited 4806 days ago
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Poet Introduction

I'm a writer of allsorts.

About Me

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I'm a mother firstly, a wife, a writer of all sorts and just beginning my training as a psychology counsellor for women. my site 'woman to woman counselling' will be opened soon. it will be a site where you can follow my journey into counselling, the lows and the highs and whats needed, my poems (alot of which are on here) , words of wisdom and thoughts of the week.this site is purely just for my poetry of course... My writings real, deep, humorous, can relate to alot of different people, easy to read and thought provoking....ive written a few childrens poetry books and am half way through writing a fantasy childrens book. all of which i would love to get published one day, as well as my poems. If i can make a positive difference in just one persons life, then my words have been worth it..... Im very
spiritual (not religious)      if something makes you a better person, whatever that may be, then it dosnt matter what others say... I think when your beliefs get pushed on another, that is wrong (in my eyes)      and can start to make you judgmental if others dont agree... This is why i choose not to judge, live and let live, and just continue to follow my own path.... I believe in keeping positive in every way. dont let other peoples negativity and issues bring you down and stop you from being who you want to be. this is your life..your journey..so live it the way you want..not by someone elses rules.

i will forever stay positive and strong whatever life may throw
at me, with a loving heart and a big smile: -}

Remember, words can be the most powerful thing...if you know how to use them.

All poems are copywritten.