Sweetiepiepoet (LyricalPoeticPrincess)

Strange Creature
United States
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Member Since 22nd April 2018
Sweetiepiepoet joined 2509 days ago and last visited 2460 days ago
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Poet Introduction

Poetry is amazing. It can take someone into someone else's shoes. Teach someone another's story. Let people know what goes on around them. Take people on adventures. Tell others how much another loves someone. Confess and express feelings.It is what I do.

About Me

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Um about me. Let's see. I am a 25 year old woman. I love to write songs and very great at it. At least I have never had any complaints when shown to people I didn't know. Or one's I knew for the longest. Love to sing and great at it. At least I have been told that thousands of times. Even by college students I didn't even know.  I love to write poems and had thousands stolen away from me at a young age because I was that great at poetry so young. I also write short stories and books. And again never had a disappointed reader. However, I do not know if I wish to share it on here. I was very discouraged when others stole my work and said they wrote them themselves. About my songs and poetry. I usually write about life,love,crush,past,situations,erotica, nature,tragedy, equality, justice, abuse and sadly even death. I steer clear of politics even though my teacher told me if I would have submitted my political poem in the young readers digest I would have won first place not second place. I do not care about that. I care about things that do matter. The government will always seem to fight over petty things. So why waste my time on  that. When no matter how many words I pour out from my heart. It will go in one ear and out the other. As they play with bombs and guns like its a sport. Not caring what hearts they have broke. Blood shed. Homes torn. Children dead. As they lay waste. So you see its pointless. And yes if you caught that I was having poetry fun at the end right there. Any way. Nice to meet you. But Thank you for supporting me and reading my stuff. And I may be rusty because after having so many taken from me. A life works if you will. So the poem,and song I put up is new and fresh. So I hope I am still the great writer I was before I got so sad about someone I trusted doing that to me. But us poets and song writers are good at that. We put our frustrations,emotions, and thoughts into our work. Been writing since the age of six. Well I guess that's enough about me.

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