
Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (14)
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Relationship Status Single
Member Since 22nd January 2014
SoulKnife joined 4074 days ago and last visited 3375 days ago
Comments 10
Forum Posts 15
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

I write with my instincts. I will go months without writing and one day I'll know exactly what to write. They come out as easily as breath. Then they are gone. Everything i write is primal this way.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Sylvia Plath, Poe, Shakespeare, Richard Matheson

About Me

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I LARP, I act, I sing, I dance, I play instruments, I play videogames, I play tabletops: pathfinder, WhiteWolf, Dungeons and Dragons. I live to feel. Emotions are like a drug to me.

I am mildly claustrophobic. Stagnant air makes me uneasy, Standing shoulder to shoulder in a crowd gives me indigestion, I starve for freedom, for Breath, for Air.

I have a very complicated and specific religion and i LOVE to talk spiritualism, energies and the such with people.

I am a Leo, my favorite color is florescent ORANGE

My Reading List

Miss-A-Lamey Selfpoet Poom (to DisCard), !chooseacategory! by dkzksaxxas_DanielX (DadaDoggyDannyKozakSaxfn)