
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (3)
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Age 28
Member Since 20th July 2020
ShaggyWrites joined 1687 days ago and last visited 751 days ago
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Poet Introduction

Hey guys I’ve been writing for years as a way to cope with my depression anxiety and ADHD. Usually I don’t show anyone but I’ve been encourage by friends to write more and share my work so I sincerely hope you all enjoy.

About Me

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I’ve struggled with a slew of mental disorders my whole life that strongly influence my writing. Poetry for me has always been a way to escape my mind and get what I’m thinking out of my head and onto paper. I’ve never shown my work to more than a few people o hold very dear and would trust with my life. Recently they have been encouraging me to share my writings and write more often. I am nervous but hope my poetry can help someone going through the same things I struggle with and help someone feel not so alone in this world.