Scaethwyr (Ansii)

Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (16)
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Member Since 19th December 2011
Scaethwyr joined 4669 days ago and last visited 3477 days ago
Comments 3
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Poet Introduction

My writing as a common theme of provacativity and handles topics some may find disturbing and/or disturbing, displaying a fondness for ryhme, irony, metaphors, similes, and the usage of a bizarre and unusual vocabulary.

About Me

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The Saethywr is a plural term (the singular is Saethwr) referring to a specific class of Welsh archers during the Middle Ages. These archers would use the longbow, however unlike their English counterparts, these were not intended for the open field but rather for ambushes and flanking maneuvers. My user name is simply a misspelling.

On the topic of my works:
I don't care if you can't handle it, but just note that all of my work has some backbone of research in them in one way or another. I am above and beyond your juvenile "God hate" hipster poetry.

My Reading List

PTSD Means No One Knows by M-E_Ninny-L (michael edward lanier)