
Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Read Poems (9)
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Member Since 5th May 2014
Rxqueen joined 3961 days ago and last visited 3821 days ago
Comments 35
Forum Posts 4
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

I am just a 18 year old girl who enjoys writing, Im not a English student or anything,I like to write things that normal people would probebly consider warped or wierd but who likes normal anyway ?

About Me

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I'm probably what you would call an antivist ,I' write ..we'll I try to ,mainly because I enjoy it. I am a hairdresser and if my clients were to read the poems I write they would all be mortified.Id love to watch there reactions to that one day . I love music so much ,I might as well be in a relationship with music considering most of the time I choose to stay in bed and listen to it as opposed to going out and seeing friends .I'm amazing at being unsociable and sociable ...depends what mood I'm in -that phrase applies to almost everything in my life .i love to read other peoples writing and I especially like dark and twisted poems ,I think I just have a morbid fascination .genrely I love reading writing of all genres.

(This Is my new acount because my old one won't let me log in , I'm going to repost my poems from my old acount so there all together )

Anyway hello .:(

My Reading List

Suicidal reasoning by Krosgood (Violence)
The Lab by m_abbott1999 (Madi)
Little Red by Dollface

Poets I Follow
