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Member Since 8th January 2014
Ruin joined 3924 days ago and last visited 1525 days ago
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Poet Introduction

Broken, but still standing.

About Me

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I made a mistake
For telling you how I felt,
I made a mistake
I shouldn’t let my heart melt,

I made a mistake
I shouldn’t liked you,
I made a mistake
For letting you in too,

I made a mistake
For falling for your words,
I made a mistake
For letting you be my heart’s cords

I made a mistake
For kissing you that night,
I made a mistake
For holding you so tight,

I made a mistake
For thinking you were the one
I made a mistake
For thinking you were my sun,

I made a mistake
For telling you that I love you,
I made a mistake
Now I’m starting to hate you too,

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