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Group Posts 12
Poet Introduction
I think for now ...all I can put is Live Life as though its limitless conform to know one but yourself be free to laugh at your own mistakes and let the past stay on the shelf...honestly there is not enough tag room above to express interests lol
Favorite Poets/Writers
Poe...Stephen King,David Gemmel,Terry Pratchett, Jericho Brown,Sylvia Plath,Oscar Wilde,Mary ShelleyAbout Me
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About me...hmm, I will never be normal, to me our imperfections make us unique, I have no favourite of anything as such, i love what makes me feel something, empathic, eclectic, creative.I love nature,music is therapy as Is writing, reading. Create because you love it not because you need recognition, live how you want as long as it harms no one else. I have a light and dark mind, I do not believe in things like the devil is evil and God is perfect, I believe in balance and in actual fact evil hides itself in the faces of good so ...enough said. open minded in every aspect of life, lifestyle interest, agoraphobic anxious ptsd bipolar and not ashamed at all, I am who I am and I explain to no one why I am who does not deserve it, Blessed Be <3
My Reading List
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Remembering To Forget
by gothicsurrealism (Daniel Long)
Mediocre Inc.
by guy__ville
To love or not
by Midwest81 (AJ81)
Left Unwritten
by eswaller
We are one
by Markis
by LiamReeduus (LiamReedus)
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PurrfectlyPoetic (Purr)
Lost Thinker