
Lost Thinker
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Age 17
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Member Since 8th September 2009
Mini_S joined 5494 days ago and last visited 5415 days ago
Comments 14
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About Me

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Well hello there, How are you? I'm a little girl called Savannah. I'm a bit hyperactive, but fun to be with. People can describe me as a real pain in the ass, but mainly I'm just very sweet. I have a strong opinion and not afraid to speak it out. Yes, I'm a loud mouth! Proud to be one. But honestly, when you get to know me, you'll see I'm very kind and sweet for the people I care about =] Because of resent desicions, I'm gonna drop out of school for a year. Go and work my ass off.I'm nice to you, if you're nice to me, easy right? Once again together with my beloved Daan =3 well that's about it. Have a nice day =]