
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (5)
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Relationship Status Single
Member Since 15th February 2013
Me324 joined 4238 days ago and last visited 4197 days ago
Comments 16
Forum Posts 1
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

I love to write about anything and everything, but decided to try my hand in some erotic poetry, and this seemed like a good place to publish it. Honest criticism is appreciated greatly, and I look forward to hearing what you think.

About Me

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I just want to say I am shocked and humbled by the positive comments made about my poems, I really appreciate all of those who have taken the time to read them and comment. And thanks to those who liked them. It means a lot to get such a positive reaction. I am going to try to post with as muc regularity as possible, but I often get caught up in the outside worlds and get behind. Feel free to contact me to yell at me about my lack of posting if you feel the need to.

My Reading List

Fingered Twat by bigbob

Poets I Follow
