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Poet Introduction
Hello beautiful people, my name is Kelly and I am a chemist from Indianapolis. I have thoroughly enjoyed what I have perused on DU so far and I feel honored to share my poetry in this forum of such talented poets.
Favorite Poets/Writers
sylvia plath, audre lorde, ee cummings, tom robbins, vonnegutAbout Me
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Well hello there kindred spirits, my name is Kelly and I am a chemist from Indianapolis. I am a huge proponent of all the arts but I am especially drawn to music and poetry. I have always been interested in poetry, but I think I enjoy reading it more than writing it...if I was as talented as some of you folks I suspect it would be the opposite. I only started writing in my twenties when shit got dark and I still cannot compose a happy poem to save my life....I only find inspiration in my pain, frustration, and anger. Likewise, I really only enjoy other people's poetry when it is dark and exposes their pain. I am also not a huge fan of poetry that rhymes, although there are quite a few on this site that are making me re-think that statement. I feel so honored to be a part of this site; there are so many talented writers here who enjoy poetry as much as I do....
My Reading List
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by 3ampoems (Celine Belli)
by 3ampoems (Celine Belli)
If She'd Only Love You.
by puckit (S.A. Elrod)
I Must be a Mental Masochist
by Jestalessa
by KandiceBush (Kandice Bush)
Our Words
by RWhitewings (Gladys Rae)
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All Poets I Follow (19)





Twisted Dreamer