
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Read Poems (15)
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Member Since 22nd November 2010
Marciline joined 5232 days ago and last visited 3298 days ago
Comments 95
Forum Posts 2
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Poet Introduction

Hello beautiful people, my name is Kelly and I am a chemist from Indianapolis. I have thoroughly enjoyed what I have perused on DU so far and I feel honored to share my poetry in this forum of such talented poets.

Favorite Poets/Writers

sylvia plath, audre lorde, ee cummings, tom robbins, vonnegut

About Me

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Well hello there kindred spirits, my name is Kelly and I am a chemist from Indianapolis. I am a huge proponent of all the arts but I am especially drawn to music and poetry. I have always been interested in poetry, but I think I enjoy reading it more than writing it...if I was as talented as some of you folks I suspect it would be the opposite. I only started writing in my twenties when shit got dark and I still cannot compose a happy poem to save my life....I only find inspiration in my pain, frustration, and anger. Likewise, I really only enjoy other people's poetry when it is dark and exposes their pain. I am also not a huge fan of poetry that rhymes, although there are quite a few on this site that are making me re-think that statement. I feel so honored to be a part of this site; there are so many talented writers here who enjoy poetry as much as I do....

My Reading List

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rainbows by 3ampoems (Celine Belli)
lumiere by 3ampoems (Celine Belli)
If She'd Only Love You. by puckit (S.A. Elrod)
Sumatra by KandiceBush (Kandice Bush)
Our Words by RWhitewings (Gladys Rae)

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (19)