Strange Creature
United States
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Member Since 26th November 2011
MYSOUL2SPARE joined 4846 days ago and last visited 4841 days ago
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About Me

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I'm a pretty simple girl and easy to get along with. I dye my hair crazy colors all the time, I love it can't get enough of it =) I searched for "Naughty Poems" and this site came up amoung others... I love reading poetry, it gives me some of the best feelings and I feel close to the author of each poem I read as it sets me into the mood that comes out in their writting. I like to be inspired and be around like people who aren't very judgmental or eager to please people. Pretty excited to jump in and read some things ^^ Anyone is free to add me or have me read any of their poems, likewise with myself.. not sure how soon or if I will post anything. Well we'll see =) Take Care everyone ~HUGS~

My Reading List

All the Ways! by daggerguns (.......................)
The sad forever by CruelHandedWriter (Jamie Rhodes)
Never Said-Never Heard by Mentaly_unsound

Poets I Follow
