
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (8)
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Birthday 26th June
Member Since 4th August 2019
LacidAtR joined 2038 days ago and last visited 1188 days ago
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Poet Introduction

I never talked much as a kid and now i’m older with much to say no one to say it too, so things are still quiet. i put the words on paper where they’re presented, so you can look but no one needs to hear them. much can be said and still there is silen

About Me

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To grasp my content I’ve studied astrology since 2011. Through out the years I have dove deeper and still the quick sand has no end, thus I have not gotten to the bottom of it, prolonging the study. I originally fell into it contesting the calendar and clock, questioning what I’m supposed to believe life is. I stopped following holidays and american traditions. I began writing and challenging my peers to question why they follow such customs, and if they have done any research behind these celebrations that are apart of their yearly agendas. Like wise the roman execution around their necks, not so much the man’s philosophy. I’ve been in many communities and if things get stagnant I move on. If nothing grows i move on. If there are no results and everyday is like the last what is there to look back on. Don’t kill your time.