
Strange Creature
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Age 35
Relationship Status Other
Member Since 3rd April 2011
K2 joined 5085 days ago and last visited 4472 days ago
Comments 3
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Poet Introduction

I'm trapped in ma head looking for a way out, serving a life sentence in solitary confinement. looking for a way out but I cant see the end of the tunnel. screaming for for help but nobody can hear me. Trapped in my head I just need to find me

About Me

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ive been through alot of shit, that keeps on piling. Ive watched myself drop from the peak and remain still as the world revolves  around me. I dont know where it all went wrong but I feel like i dont have it any more I need to express myself cause this feelings are killing me, softly fire burning withing me I feel my brain collapse and the world in converging in ma head.AAAARGH I need to let out I need to break my mold, lift the cloud. I need peace of mind nowards its just pretty much hard to find. lost in my mind I need help I need strength. I need hand. I dont want sympathy I need criticism cynicism, a god damn!!reality check to keep my reality in check.
I'm losing it and cant afford to

My Reading List

A forbidden thought by victim666
Into The Light by Drew_Johnston

Poets I Follow
