
Strange Creature
Read Poems (5)
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Member Since 16th October 2012
Junkie-fairy-tales joined 4433 days ago and last visited 4379 days ago
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Poet Introduction

The story of bildo started With one little elf And healing magik from the bildo, fairy elf But now there are many.   It does evolve with new beginnings And unpredictable endings. Some are quite serious And some are simply funny.

Favorite Poets/Writers

morrison, cohen,

About Me

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A frightened junkie giggled
When I called him "elf" one day.
It opened up a fraction of a window or a sliver of a door
so he wouldn't run away,
So he wouldn't run . . . .”No more.”

It took away his pain
From the deadly, demon rein.
It took away his pain from the wanted need to score.
It gave him a magik name that didn’t hurt him any more.

bildo, the manik, magik fairy
Took it upon himself
To call all the junkies of the world
“ Just simple, little elves,”
A name he shared in equalness,
A name, he even placed upon himself.

It took away their fear
Of the fairy coming near.
It gave them thoughts of “clean and hope”
And let them shed their tears.

It helped them free themselves
From the demons deadly dope.
All they needed was no judgement,
Just a little, fucking hope!

Not a bad accomplishment
For a magik, fairy queer,
Just simple, little elves,
. . . . . . . Now clean for many years!

bildo, the fairy elf

My Reading List

my loser pride by johnrot