
Strange Creature
Read Poems (5)
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Member Since 13th November 2014
JonTheSage joined 3761 days ago and last visited 3300 days ago
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Poet Introduction

A young soul who practises martial arts and moodo/bushido. I have a very philosophical view on the world, and has a deeply complex mind. I write some very emotional and dark poetry that is inspired from my real life, or sometimes from feelings I get.

Favorite Poets/Writers

J.K. Rowling, Tolkien

About Me

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I'm a young boy from Denmark. I've always been told I've got talent for writing, but I don't really believe that. I'm just a regular guy who loves to write.

I first wrote novels and short stories, but I've begun to write poems, as I believe poems show true and deep emotion rather than short stories.

If you have any questions just message me. If you like my stuff, be sure to look out for more of it!

Best regards,
- Jon