Johnny_Poet_Goncet (Johnny Goncet)

Strange Creature
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Age 20
Relationship Status Single
Member Since 5th November 2009
Johnny_Poet_Goncet joined 5435 days ago and last visited 5415 days ago
Comments 9
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About Me

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[left][/left]...Obviously, the name's Johnny G.
There's no use regarding any immediate premature attempt at explaining my self on anything such as a 'about me' paragraph, or series of paragraphs for that matter.

I'm a surrealistic labrynth cradled within a body consisting of the unfortunate decays of the flesh, coupled with a continuum of spiritual visions & psychological metaphysics.

Lunacy, madness & the like?

Something somewhat like individuality

I'm just another one of those
unlike the rest kind
who stands along a road
estranged to you.