
Strange Creature
United States
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Member Since 9th May 2011
JohnFTaylor joined 5070 days ago and last visited 4984 days ago
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Poet Introduction

My poems are all based on the life experiences that I have had. They are all me the good,bad, & the well sometimes horrific. Being here in my head is not recommended for the faint of heart.

Favorite Poets/Writers

David Ingatow, Charles Bukowski, Dylan Thomas

About Me

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I have stories to tell. Stories that illuminate the hidden treasures of the human soul in a literary floodlight blazed on accessible characters. Stories that violate the senses in their portrayal of the dark recesses of Americana and the entities that fester in the shadows. Stories of hope and heroism, depravity and despair, mortality and morbid curiosity – stories about the human condition painted shades of gray against the imaginary red, white and blue banners of freedom flown in our faces by a society insistent on telling us that all is right with the world.  I want to rip the emerald green tapestries down from the communal subconscious and pay full attention to the man behind the curtain. I want to tell you a story…

My self-proclaimed assault on the literary world can be traced back to my upbringing -- I’ve lived most of my life in the culturally impaired climate of Santee, California where I began experimenting with many different artistic mediums in high school, including clay, metal, plaster, wood, acrylics, and charcoal. It was at this time that I began to push the boundaries of controversial subject matter in my art, such as a mixed media piece I completed on the portrayal of racism entitled “Krucifikkshun.”  
Recently, I’ve focused most of my creative energies into poetry, short stories, plays and screenplays, having been published numerous times on the World Wide Web at sites such as Junkyard Press, Quantum Muse, Free-Verse,Broken Toys, Ergo Poetry, and Horror House Anthology 2010. I currently write a weekly column on Inky Fresh Press called Tough Love for Freelance Authors. I've self-published three books and am currently working on a novel. I'm a former editor for the San Diego Herpetological Society and have published numerous articles on a variety of reptiles, most recently in Reptilia magazine. I have also published a nonfiction book with TFH titled Uromastyx and published in Reptiles Magazine and Reptiles USA. Most recently, I have begun the Reptile Apartment Group which includes, and I see my works as my own, personal emotional tangents with a bit of social commentary thrown in for good measure. They’re me, all the good and bad rolled up into one (usually more of the bad), and they reflect every person’s struggle to survive in a maddeningly brave new world.

Horror stories & poetry have played an important part in my life in the stylized way they’ve provided me with insights about myself and about humanity that I may not have paid attention to otherwise. No other medium has the same power of silent projection and I’m eager to add my voice to the rainbow cacophony of artists and writers I’ve enjoyed over the years.

Let me tell you a story.

Poets I Follow
