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Group Posts 4
Poet Introduction
Jips' Intro: Life is a rolling glacier in the river: cold but still rolling and flowing at the same damn time..... My writing is platinum ice: glows and too coooool....#B.J.DUPDOS (BIG JIPS)
Favorite Poets/Writers
2Pac, Maya Angelou, Harper Lee, Zora Neale Hurston, and Langston HughesAbout Me
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What's good world. I'm Gerron aka Jips from New Orleans, Louisiana. I lived in South Pasadena and Leimert Park South Central LA; I lived in League City, TX because of Hurricane Katrina. I'm a recent college graduate from Huston-Tillotson University--Writing Arts major--and super blessed. I left the Navy in August, 2014. Now I am a graduate student at Jackson State University as of September 9th, 2018. I am Schizoaffective with Bi-Polar Type nowos too. The "os" language is invented by meos (ME). Jips means Just.Ice.Pain.Sub-Zero. It is an acronym. I'd experienced much pain in my life, and God and my writing healed it. What didn't kill me made me stronger. I love helping others with my advice---icing their pain. Plus I'm real cool and laid back once you get to know me. I'm honest--real--wise, and I love hard. I may get mad, but I'm very forgiving. Man I'd been writing since I was in high school. I started out writing raps and kept many raps in my wallet. My wallet was as thick as a bag of ice with all the raps I kept in it.
Then I transitioned from writing raps less into writing poetry more as a sophmore in college, and my passion for writing poetry grew ever since. I even won 3rd place in a talent show performing poetry at Spring Hill College, and performing live poetry at Huston-Tillotson University. I have to say if it wasn't for Jay-Z I wouldn't had started writing raps; If it wasn't for writing raps, I wouldn't have a strong passion for writing poetry.
Writing is something I love deeply. It's a beautiful thing depending what you write about, how you write it, and how you are able to express your writing with your speech or with any style of writing. If you are interested in getting to know me more and my writing, holla back. Much love and 1....
Then I transitioned from writing raps less into writing poetry more as a sophmore in college, and my passion for writing poetry grew ever since. I even won 3rd place in a talent show performing poetry at Spring Hill College, and performing live poetry at Huston-Tillotson University. I have to say if it wasn't for Jay-Z I wouldn't had started writing raps; If it wasn't for writing raps, I wouldn't have a strong passion for writing poetry.
Writing is something I love deeply. It's a beautiful thing depending what you write about, how you write it, and how you are able to express your writing with your speech or with any style of writing. If you are interested in getting to know me more and my writing, holla back. Much love and 1....
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now and for always
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Twisted Dreamer