Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (21)
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Member Since 10th November 2013
JACOBLINDELLpoetry joined 4151 days ago and last visited 3451 days ago
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About Me

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"The art of writing is re-writing."

Another teen who's emotions are expressed through words. Though no words can express how I feel 99% of the time.

I'm an amateur writer who wishes to make it 'BIG' one day. As big as a poet/writer could possibly get :/ Check out all my work! And my poems that won me contests!

-The Substance
-Make It Stop! (My Suicide Story)

I dream of being a writer one day, and slowly I'm making strives toward that dream of mine.

I've won awards online for my poetry, i've been put in my school newspaper, my name has been tossed around to a few people, and for that I am greatful I just hope maybe I could be noticed and given a chance to live my dream and share my work with people.

Tell me what you think.