Strange Creature
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Member Since 30th May 2011
INF joined 5027 days ago and last visited 5023 days ago
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Poet Introduction

I am a crow, I am a cat, sometimes I am a bicycle (when I am riding it properly, there is no difference between me and my bicycle). When what I am doing is effortless, there is no difference between me and what I am doing.

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About Me

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I am a seeker and a maniac, satirist and entertainer, I am a fool, I am a lover.

Maybe there is no world to be saved
If the hypothesis is untestable, it is pointless
And of course, you can’t prove the negative
So if I tell you that there is a silver teapot in orbit around Saturn
You could say, “No, there is not” and I could say, “Well, prove it”.

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