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Member Since 22nd July 2014
HowlingHeart joined 3902 days ago and last visited 263 days ago
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Poet Introduction

Alas much time has passed for this writer did meet thier block. A succubus that stole the living parts of a wondering soul. Yet this soul wandered  saway from the succubus to where it had no hold, so this wandering souls stories my once again unfold.

About Me

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I have walked down many paths and in many shoes so to speak. So my work various from mild soft kind and sweet to awkward kinky scary stange and not for the meek.    
One time I may take you on the tour of a lovers heart. Then next may be an absurd adventure never knowing where I may start.  
I may share lots of truths hidden amongst a pack of lies. I my mourn the death of killer and then laugh as a baby cries.  
I'm neither soft or sweet nor bold or meek.  I'm a culmination of all and nothing at once so hang on if you seek.  
Some things I write you will adore. Other things you might find to have to much gore or just be a bore.  
I am selfish in what I for I write mostly for me and I alone. I do want to know  your thoughts doubtful though they will change a thing for I'm no clone.  
This I wrote for those though that choose to follow. Both as warning and to say that I'm not hollow.  
People need to know how it is I choose to write. Now that said and done my thoughts wonder off and my words out of sight.