God-Is-In-The-Rain (Gregory Rain)

Twisted Dreamer
Read Poems (164)
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Member Since 28th October 2016
God-Is-In-The-Rain joined 3064 days ago and last visited 673 days ago
Comments 60
Forum Posts 50
Group Posts 1

Poet Introduction

My goal is to create something of value, I welcome advice and suggestions and treasure criticism. PS: if you enjoy making simple 10 minute sketches with pencil, please hit me up - I've got some works that could use them.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Tsukumizu (つくみず), Emily Howel, Daniel Licht, Myuuji

About Me

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My pen name is "God is in the Rain" for I started writing as a teenager and calling myself anything normal seemed stupid - feel free to call me Gregory.
I am writing hoping to one day create something of value, therefore, I am open to chat and enjoy criticism.

I post very irregularly for my lack of talent for writing makes it hard to pursue this hobby, that said, I've quit writing more times than I remember now, so if I have not posted for a while, you can be sure that if I'm not dead I'll be back.

Also, I'm not a native English speaker, if you find errors, be it in my grammar or spelling, please do tell me.

Thank you.
Gregory Rain.

My Reading List

the idea of   a r t by cold_fusion

Poets I Follow
