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Poet Introduction
My Great Great Uncle "Otto Klemperer" was a Famous Conductor & Composer. (For Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, The Philharmonic & more..) Writing Songs & Poetry seems to come fairly easy to me. I hope you find appreciation for my art...
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PoeAbout Me
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I have been writing since I was a teen. Aparantly its in my genetics and im very proud to know this. My Great Great Uncle "Otto Klemperer" was a Famous Composer & Conductor. Writing Songs & Poetry seems to come fairly easy to me. Something I found interesting & I was unaware of such a thing- I bear a specific "Palm Marking" that most creative writers only wish they had.. Kind of cool to know! Oddly Im finding a lot of readers seem to think all things written are about a specific person, place, thing or life experience of the composer. I would like to remind everyone writing poetry & lyrics in general often carries a bit of fantasy/fairytale"ism" possibly combined with hints of life experince AND observatory themes as well. (Point ☆Don't label or make assumptions based on publication). I hope you enjoy...
My Reading List
by NewBeginnings
New Year's Revolution
by NewBeginnings
United, We Stand
by NewBeginnings
Smoke and Mirrors
by NewBeginnings
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FlameOfFire (NaomiJ)
Lost Thinker