
Strange Creature
United States
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Birthday 4th September
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Member Since 23rd March 2012
Emobaby1997 joined 4700 days ago and last visited 4692 days ago
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Poet Introduction


About Me

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I Hate: Rumors
Global Warming
Bad Movies
Burnt Popcorn
I Love: Music
Dancing In The Rain
Good Movies
Cassie Nicole(:
You Can Say What You Want Bout Me.
The truth is ...
I've Learned From My Mistakes..
Im A Lil Over-Oppinioniated..
At Times....
And If You Have A Problem..
Deal with It
Im young, I still have a lot left to see and do and I have a lot of time left to do it. Im taking in what I have and making the absolute most of it. Ive heard it all before, so just save your breath, its all a waste of time. Id prefer you not judge me on other peoples opinions. if you do, then i wouldnt want to know you anyway. after all, who are you to judge the life i lead? I have a million and one fears. Literally. My biggest fear is driving over bridges. My swearing mouth would kill a nun. the smallest things can to get to me at times. i may put on a brave face but behind it all im probably breaking down. I cant say that i am entirely proud of some of the things i have done, but they are what made me who i am today. For years I had claimed to be Christian, but I never even understood it all. I believe in him because I think that everyone needs something, or someone, to believe in. Without belief, without faith, without hope, we are nothing. There was a time in my life when I myself, was nothing. The thought of something I couldn’t grasp scared me. In fourteen years I've made a lot of mistakes. There were times I messed up so badly I didn't think there was any way I could turn things around. I know every mistake I've made, made me who I am today. I dont regret a single one because I like who I've become. I've been through alot in my life. heartbreaks, pain, depression, you name it and i've dealt with it. This past year has been really hard for me so im just trying to deal but I have realized my life is amazing right now. Everyone seems to have already made up their mind about me, whether they know me or not. No one really makes an effort anymore. I've learned a lot about myself this past year, and I'm content with who I've become. I've been through so many things, that have made me who i am today. I'm done trying to be something im not. I'm happy with my life, and how I live it.

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