EmmaFranko (Avena Sativa)

Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (17)
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Member Since 2nd September 2011
EmmaFranko joined 4949 days ago and last visited 4882 days ago
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Poet Introduction

Through a sickly life of pain and torment came a love that weighed it all away from my bones and now that love is gone the truth is that I will always love Thomas but now must carry what he was with me. I am my own salvation.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Emily Dickinson, Bram Stocker, Edgar Allan Poe, Sylvia Plath, Anne Sexton, Virginia Woolf.

About Me

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"Behind stained glass ( Avena Sativa )"

I live in a leech jar, rusted and rotten,
encaved in darkness from the victorian basement.
The only device I may have is that of sound,
the curved and the beautiful body of my electric violin.
Oh how I love when it balances it's weight on my shoulder,
the bow never missing a note, never slipping out of my hand.
Sometimes I find myself dancing to the tune,
my hands can't even seem to follow along yet they do.
The disturbed mind I find so warm you find so cold,
humming and sweating alone side the dark notes I play.

The only salvation left for me is my violin.

~Greetings, you may think that my name is really Avena Sativa when in truth it's not, my name is Amelia Franko though please call me Emma. Avena Sativa means Oat; which in floriography (which I am fluent in) means 'music'. Hopefully by reading the poem above you will understand why I did that. Thank you for veiwing my profile.

My Reading List

Full Reading List
Whispers by TheAngelWhoFell
"Little White Lies" by Whispered_Words (DRooney)
Real pain by Crow-Eye
In my head by Crow-Eye
"Daylight Savings" by Whispered_Words (DRooney)
Flesh of the World's Flesh by heterodynemind

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (16)