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Live free or live free: That is all, Death and Conformity are not options
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Any series of words strung together with some sort of structure and/or rhyme can be defined as a poem... but... the tear that the reader shares with the writer as emotion is conveyed from the canvass to the heart... now that, my friends, is the art.
If ($thoughtstring > '0' && $mindstate = FuCkEd)
Load.element : C:/Headfuck/Error1.hyperfail...
"We are sorry, the person who's information you are attempting to view is currently unable to comment on his own state of being, please try again one day when the particular person has slightly less insane viewpoints. We appologise for this inconvenience, please have a complementary cookie
If ($thoughtstring > '0' && $mindstate = FuCkEd)
Load.element : C:/Headfuck/Error1.hyperfail...
"We are sorry, the person who's information you are attempting to view is currently unable to comment on his own state of being, please try again one day when the particular person has slightly less insane viewpoints. We appologise for this inconvenience, please have a complementary cookie
My Reading List
If only I had a shed
by A_Conduit (Behappy - Bhairava)
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Strange Creature