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Poet Introduction
One last line, before I go to bed; The words bounce off this vapor as they pour from my head...
Favorite Poets/Writers
E.A. Poe, 2Pac, Chilipeppers, Jim Morrison, Bob Marley,Johnny Cash & Lyfe its self...About Me
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An energetic individual who has enough to share with everyone!
Looking to link up with as many peeps as possible to spread the WORD!
Open to harsh critique, anything that will clarify my message
Note: Much of my work is an exercise in word-play while intergrating theme's and experiences. Many of the pieces are created in experimental jest
they in no way reflect actual events and/or person(s) who have directly impacted my existance. I write in a way "As if I were in that position or involved in those actions"??? A theoretical testimony. Not my lyfe in phrase-n-verse...
Looking to link up with as many peeps as possible to spread the WORD!
Open to harsh critique, anything that will clarify my message
Note: Much of my work is an exercise in word-play while intergrating theme's and experiences. Many of the pieces are created in experimental jest

My Reading List
Everyday I wait for you
by Myheartdiesforyou (Mysa)
by k-pain
random pieces
by drone
Jealousy In Poetry
by diddi (StephenPaul Summerscales)
My Groups
Poets I Follow
All Poets I Follow (10)





Fire of Insight