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Read Poems (16)
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Member Since 28th August 2013
BloodSong joined 4211 days ago and last visited 2277 days ago
Comments 26
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Poet Introduction

I have a Dark, Gothic sensibility that colours all my works. Poetry to me is the flow of the heart's blood, the deepest part of the soul.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Edgar Allan Poe, Seamus Heaney, Baudelaire, Keats, Shelley, Wordsworth, Byron, Rimbaud, Coleridge,

About Me

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Poetry is heart's blood. It is the deepest and the darkest when it pours from the source. I do most of my writing in the middle of something else, like a possession. It just comes upon me and I write as quickly as I can. Sometimes just a line or a phrase, sometimes more, there are often times when the whole poem pours onto the page complete and raw. I treasure every one of these moments. Dark dreams.

My Reading List

In the Dark of Light by Mourningcloak