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Read Poems (18)
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Member Since 31st October 2013
BelBoyd333 joined 4168 days ago and last visited 3103 days ago
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Poet Introduction

I enjoy expressing myself through writing, Almost an extension of myself. I wanted to put some of my words out there  hopefully receive some raw honest feedback,  peoples opinions feelings thoughts anything you can share

About Me

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Let the words speak to you, listen as they sing a different song for everyone, in ways only they can relate.

I feel I write in my own distinct style, Poetic words that speak uniquely on a deeper level. Individual meanings and definitions for each individuals own interpretation.
I guess to put it  Plainly, what ever YOU make of it, is exactly what your supposed to make of it. (it has a different meaning for everyone ) no right or no wrong perceptions. Only your own perspective matters... No matter what that may be.

Thats the beauty behind words, they each bestow unique meaning & reflect individual feeling.

Be not bewildered, but be open minded. embrace your inner passions beyond the poetry, and let the words speak to you, in what ever way that may be. we all interpret (everything) differently. no interpretation is wrong.

This poetry doesn't hold one particular meaning for myself. Each poem has multiple meanings, conducting conflicts of completely different definitions ....think of the endless possibilities it possess. Uniquely relative on a personal level to everyone who reads it. Including you.

I write not for myself. I write as a whole. For the whole world, for the whole hearted and for the whole experience. To help fill empty holes and to lift all up to wholesome grounds. I believe in the power behind words. My words hold the power. Poetic passionate powerful words that speak through clarity within yourself, relatively speaking, as a whole.

My Reading List

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deepness by mcohen96
Shades Of Me by FacePaint (Steven D)
She is a Poetess.... by williamsji
Freedom by Spirit-Quest (Nikoletta)

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (13)