Afterglow (Afterglow Poetry)

Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (12)
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Member Since 9th November 2022
Afterglow joined 670 days ago and last visited 37 days ago
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Poet Introduction

As a musician, many of my poems are lyrical or musically based. Some poems touch on my struggle with mental illness, loss, grief, love, and many other eclectic themes. I sometimes also write Christian poetry, reflecting my relationship with Jesus.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, Sylvia Plath, Nicole Lyons, Tiger Merritt

About Me

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I am a poet, singer, and songwriter from Nashville, Tennessee. I love Jesus, I am a vegetarian, and I always strive to be true to myself and my identity in Jesus. I have been writing poetry since I was a young child, though I’m a  “grown up” now. Ha!