I get so self -centered

No- not the New Age, inner balanced (well, actually it is old age- ancient age- times gone by age- pre his... NICK!
wha'- oh, sorry)

Orderin' fries and a cheeseburger, guy ringin' me up, I'm lookin' at a scar on the top of his right wrist.
Looks like an aerial view of dried up streams in the desert.

I gotta ask.

I ask.

Dog bite.

His dog (Lab, Chow, Pit Bull mix).

One Hundred and Two stitches.

I'm seein' it four months post nip.

Asks if I wanna see the picture (says everyone wants to see the picture).

3D is always good enough for me but what the hell- it's his story.

I look.

I saw the face of the Miami Cannibal victim.
This ain't like that.
No blue eye lookin' at ya from the ravaged red flesh.

So I ask how long it took. The clamp time.
Figured it was quick but seemed long.


"Ten to twelve minutes".

He had to break the dog's spine (that broke his life).

Then he had to pry the jaws open.
Only had one useable hand (I asked about this).

He said yeah- I used my foot for opposite purchase (No, that ain't how he phrased it. Twenty somethings don't talk like that. I'm just tryin' to be clear).

I ask if he had shoes on (Detail huntin' ghoul, ain't I? Hey, it's Florida. Land of the flip flop).

He had real shoes on.

I told him my 'gator head story (I wrote about this) so he would get why I asked about toes and teeth.

He dug that.

Burn scars- the difference between chemical and fire.
I seen that.

Bullet scars- 9mm and .38 look similar.
Ain't seen a .45.
Hear they are rare on folks that are breathin'.

Knife scars- I got a couple. No big visual deal.

Now dog scars- looks rough.

Thinkin' I'm gonna buy one of those clip it on your belt, cigarette pack size electric stun boxes (no- not a projectile launching taser- this has two nubs that dance crackling blue light between them).

Bounty Hunter I know says "Three seconds- bad guy lets go
six seconds- bad guy drops to the deck
ten seconds- bad guy fills his pants"
(real world data is priceless, eh?)

But it ain't bad guys got me concerned.
This is about dogs.
Dogs and poolmen (I been bit twice- a third time ain't got no charm).

So if an unexpected (people have visitors, mistakes happen) Rottweiler comes snarling, charging, bounding my way
I figure the polite thing to do is blow his nose for him.

Clear his sinuses.

Yeah- I think he's tired.
Looks like he's sleeping.


Now that you mention it his fur does look kinda spikey.
Is that some sorta gel they use at the Puppy Pamper Palace?
Written by Nick (Nick Pierce)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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