How Many More Mistakes?

I point my finger
To whom it may concern
Ignorant descendants of the sword
Origin of civilization
Started well
but ended in hell
The mystery of a black world
drowning in its own blood
How many more mistakes will you make?
Yesterday was dark and scary
And so is today
Cries of  the babies you've slain
Rise like symphonies from hades
Labeled  them an  abomination
Sacrificed them on a market day
Maiden mothers molested
Stigmatized and rejected
And now you think the gods have forgotten
All the evils you did in their name
Selfish desires turned into law
Merciless faceless men
Warriors with no guts
When the time of trials came
You melted like wax
Slaves' what you became
Your gods fled
Your warriors bled
Shrines devastated
its priest laid dead
God bless your sleeping monarchs
Who sold their birthrights for a plate of fries
Traded their dominion to become allies
That's when your life ended
A new one began
Alas in this you're no better than a slave
And you have to live as  instructed
All your heritage hitherto
A rubbish ridicule's made out of them
Now don't blame the stranger
Who was driven by the need to survive
Who knew what you thought was useless
Who fulfilled the cause of humanity to the fullest
He conquered nature and made a path
Squandered your own and saved what he got
Asked you to sleep but never laid on his back
Always moving ahead but "trying" to bridge the gap
He taught you his ways
Brought you hope of better days
Soon you thought to yourself
"Now I know
Let the stranger go"
Your ignorance is your demon
It brought you down from grace
If you were wise you'll learn with the sincerity of purpose
The selfless service way
But you didn't
So now you move in a zigzag motion
Tossed around like a canoe in a raging ocean
Your system's in crisis
Your leaders are clueless monarchs
Who knows nothing but accumulation
And pay lip service to the ugly situation
Your  children proceed in confusion
With no ambition of doing better than their fathers
Just like their fathers never dreamed of correcting the mistakes of their own fathers
Mistakes upon mistakes
They ignore national stakes
And wrestle over national cakes
Yet having no idea on how to bake
No one knows how to make
They only know how to take
They teach redundancy
Propagate dependency
And on a given day
They celebrate independence
And merry when they should be weeping
Hold festivities when they should be mourning
It is a gradual process of a slow death
Its amazing how no one can see it coming
No world can be free of problems
But woe unto a world that's stuck in the problems of yesterday
Please admit that you're blind
So that you can make efforts to see
Stop fooling around with mighty dreams
When you're still a victim of simple things
You're black doesn't mean you should be in darkness
Your suffering because of your laziness
You stopped to till the soil
Because you found a way to drill the soil
Make so much and share the spoils
Tell lies to a gullible people apathetic and dumb
who honor and adore people they should execute
Call me foolish
Call me a verbal brute
This is no time to garnish
I only tell the truth
You are no better than your fathers
Who sold your brothers for mirrors and a bottle of gin
For today you starve your people to buy fancy things
Then wander about like a one-eyed king
In a kingdom of blind men
Driven by greed to ignore the people's needs
You sow discord to camouflage your sin
Spill innocent blood and shed phony tears on the screen
But behind the scene
You and your evil cohorts celebrate your win
You call the disaster you create a way forward
Your victims are poor unfortunate souls of wayward leaders
It goes on and on
A steady progress in error
Leaving me with nothing but this question on my mind...
How many more mistakes?
Written by dustyjjewels
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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