
I remember 'you'
The 'you' that was not known to many others
An untamed honesty was all over your words
I still remember 'you'
For how effortlessly beautiful you used to be

When I discovered you first
There was a thirst on your lips
I knew you were blind
with all that burning lust in your eyes
by then you were adorably raw

Here we are now
running to each other again
Honesty can be seen
well controlled by your words
Beauty has been overtaken by lust
During all these years

I like you more now
'cause you are no more raw
You seem to understand me more
I like you more now
'cause you have learnt to control your honesty
You don't argue no more,
like you used to be
Your rejection,
is your new way of getting close
Your rejection,
is your new way of saying
that you want me more
To me you seem to be much more sensible
There fore now I like you more
Written by spiralillusions
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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