"Tsunami" ... A Poem written by Big Virge 4/1/2005

Part of a Trilogy of poems written around the Tsunami in 2K4    
 "Fact or Fiction & Contradictions", being the other two ...
You Know ...      
I Really Didn't Want To Write ...      
About The ... " Tsunami " ... !!!      
But Every News Channel's ...     
Gone ... "Tsunami Barmy "... !!!        
Somewhat Like George ...      
And His Terrorist Army  ...      
So I'll Now Relate ...      
My Viewpoint CALMLY ... !!!      
Now Don't Get Me Wrong ...       
I'm Sad For The Many ...      
Whose LOVED ONES They Hope ...      
To See Alive On The Telly ... !!!!!      
But To Me Once Again ...      
Something Always Seems SMELLY ... !!!      
These People Have Died ...      
From A Natural Disaster ...      
But Greenpeace Might Say ...      
It's Just The Next Chapter ...      
of Nature Biting Back ... !!!      
Like ... Velociraptors ... !!!!!!      
While The U.S. ... of ... A ...      
Drops Bombs Around AFRICA ... !!!!!      
It Seems The Ocean's Now Said ...      
... "It's My Time to Attack Ya !" ...     
It's ASIA Right Now ...      
But Whose Turn Is Next ... !?!?!      
This Aid Relief Thing ...      
Is ... Out of Context ... !!!      
Because Money CAN'T Save People ...      
Who've Now Joined The DEAD ... !!!      
While Good Ol' Mr. Blair ...      
... CLEARLY DOESN'T CARE ... !!!      
But I Say To The Press ...      
Whether Here Or Out There ...      
What Part of The Damage ... ?      
Could Tony Repair ... !?!
... He ISN'T A GOD ... !!!     
I Would Think He Cares More ...      
About His ... WAR LOG ... !!!      
While Public OUTCRY ... !!!      
Is What He's Now Got ... !!!      
Well It's A Bit Too Late ... !?!      
If It's His Downfall They Plot ... !!!      
Anan ... Is Another ...      
Who Now Wants To Plan ...    
But He's Just A PUPPET ...      
Who Now Makes A Stand ...        
For Cash To Be Placed ...      
In His GREEDY Backhand ... !!!       
Cos' When Georgie Suggested ...      
The U.S. Should LEAD ...      
It Seems The ... U.N. ...      
Didn't See The Good Deed ...      
Now 350 Mill Is The USA's Gift ...      
On Which These Aid Groups ...      
Will Now Start To Feed ...      
These Acts Though As Usual ...      
Are ... AFTER The Fact ... !!!    
So Now Kofi's First Comments ...      
He's Had To ... RETRACT ... !!!      
Now The Aid Relief Fund ...      
Is ..... U.S.A. Backed ......      
Now ALL of A SUDDEN ...      
MILLIONS Have Been Found ....      
Ch-CHING ... It Would Seem ...      
Has Become The NEW SOUND ... !!!      
But That's Just Because ...      
The Earthquake Now RESOUNDS ...      
In The Hearts of Those Grieving ...      
And Is NOW ... CONSCIENCE BOUND ... !!!      
And That's Why The BRITS ...      
Are Now Giving Up Pounds ... !!!    
... 199 Brits ....      
Is The Count of English ...      
Whose Bodies And Souls ...      
Now Rest With Dead Fish ... !!!      
And Some of Those Dead ...      
Were Relatives of The RICH ...      
Dickie Attenborough's One ...      
Who's Now Lost His Grandkid ... !!!      
But Even At A Time ...    
of SADNESS Like This ... !!!      
We Have People Out There ...      
Who Are ... TRULY SICK ... !!!       
When A Man Can Just Sit ...      
And Send E-Mails For A KICK ... ?!?        
To Suggest To Those Worried ...      
That Their LOVED ONE's Been HIT .... !!!!      
But Then Judges Preside ...      
Saying .......................      
“He can't go inside,      
until someone's assessed,      
his DEPRAVED state of mind !"
See This Is The STUFF ...      
That Defines Poli-Tricks ... !!!        
I'm Thinking Maybe ...      
That THIS Is BULLSHIT ... !!!!!      
Money Comes FAST ... !!!      
When Disaster Time HITS ... !?!      
Will Those Who Have Suffered ... ?      
SEE .... Any of It ... !?!      
Hell YES English People ...      
Have Now Been Lost ... !!!!     
But ........ " 199 " .......      
Against A HUNDRED Odd THOUSAND ...      
Seems A ... MINUSCULE Cost ... !!!!!      
Those Who Lived By Coastlines ...      
Whose Homes Are Now LOST ... !!!      
Seems Likely To Me .....      
They'll NEED A New Mosque ... !!!      
For George And Co-Lin .....      
It's An Opportune Time .....      
So Here Is The CRIME ... !!!!!        
Co-lin .... Is Now Saying ...      
"This is a Good Time ...      
for Muslim relations ...      
to now be refined ..."
So ... This Is MY VIEW ...      
of These U.S. Designs ...        
They'll BUY People OFF ... !!!      
Cos' Right Now They're Soft ...      
And Will Make ANY DEAL ... !!!      
To Now FEED From Their Trough ...      
Well HERE It Would Seem ...      
Is Where I Will STOP ...      
Cos' ... Political Moves ...      
Ain't What Y'all Thinking of ...      
I've Said It Before ...      
But I'll Say It AGAIN ... !!!      
I Feel For Those People ... !!!      
Who've Suffered A LOSS ... !!!      
The AID Thing Seems SWEET ...      
Just Like ... " CANDY FLOSS " ... !!!      
But When Repairs Have Been Done ...      
Indonesians May Find ...      
That They've Got A NEW BOSS ... !!!      
... What A Start To A Year ... !?!      
This Is NO KIND OF PARTY ... !!!      
I'm Trying My Best ...      
To Express Myself CALMLY ...      
Cos I REALLY Didn't Like ...      
Writing About ... The …    
... “ TSUNAMI ” … !!!!!
Written by BigVirge (Big Virge)
Published | Edited 4th Jan 2021
Author's Note
A very serious and tragic event, but as ever, what happened immediately after, were some things that people, needed to inspect !
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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