Journey's End

 My companion and I walked to the foot of the mountain where the sand turned to snow
and winds grew cold. We huddled closely together and forward we went into the final trial.
The bitter cold, like needles piercing to my body all at once, and crushing snow to feet with each step I take. I didn't mind it but It all just seemed too cruel and painful to watch as it's done to my playful companion. The flare within his heart still burned and that alone gave me hope. We battled the daggers being thrown at us by taking cover behind pillars. It just kept getting harder every time but I urged us forward to the safety behind the rocky walls.
Finally in the clear I walked and my companion stopped. I looked back as he kneeled in the snow catching his breath. My companion looked to me in silence words "I won't be far behind"

I then shook my head walking to his side to sit next to him. In his eyes disbelief and happiness the flare in his heart grew brighter. I too had disbelief for the act I'm doing I just couldn't understand it. Having rest we decided it was time to continue. In the open sky we saw our old nemesis with the stone eye. It torn through a flock of the cloth creatures turning them into lifeless fabric, we had to continue cautiously. We reached the broken bridge of a frozen carpet and brought it down just enough for us to safely get across. The sky cracked with flashes of light and howls of our nemesis. We had to cross in the open, into the mouth of the collossal beast. The winds grew stronger as the summit drew closer, Me and my companion were almost there. We huddled together taking each dagger with little relief. I didn't know how much longer we can go on. We then froze while it emerged a blue light turning red with a stone eye gazing at us. I looked to my companion then back into it's glare, I tried to get it's attention. But it was hopeless, it swooped down choosing my companion instead of me.

I rushed to my companion's side and he lay before sitting up. I had to help him keep his spirit so I lent him some of mine. Hiding under the rubble of the ruins I was to go first. I quickly fought the harsh breaths of the mountain taking cover under rubble. I looked back to him and he walked half way before stopping. I stared in horror as the stone eye gazed to him yet again. The fire that was within his heart extinguish the moment the blue light turned red, he was gone. I rushed to him to aid him before I froze as the spotlight was turned to me. I slowly turned to face the ancient golem watching as it's blue light turned red. The ancient golem swooped down and my vision went black. I lay slowly being consumed by the mountain. Soon after I awoke, slowly I sat up and a piece of fabric blew to my feet and my heart raced for the safety of my companion. I looked around with desperate calls and everything stood still as I saw the body of my companion.

I walked slowly to his side with soft calls he did not return. In denial I sat with my back against the wind, shielding his body from the cold. His once playful body lay lifeless being eaten by the snow. Despite being numb why did I feel the arms of sorrow wrapped tightly around me? The urge to move forward was gone and I so desperately wanted to cry, but how could I in such a place.

Soon I heard the calls from the summit again but I ignored. I don't want to call him my companion anymore, I want to call him my friend. The nameless person I called my friend could not continue to have his wish granted. With a heavy heart I stood looking to him a last time, I turned and continued forward. When I reached the safety of the gate, I looked back and called once more but the howls and winds only returned. I moved with each step feeling heavier. I battled the winds alone and felt this trial was hardest alone. Soon upon reaching the path to the summit I was dragged side to side by fierce winds. My pace only slowed as my strength was depleted, I too was fated to be consumed by the mountain.
The statue figures I met along my journey gathered around me and embraced me with open arms. My body was lifted from the snow and I stood staring into the eye of the storm. I was engulfed in a divine light and soared into the storm dodging my nemisis as I did. Upon reaching the end of the tunnel of clouds I stared in awe into the beautiful summit. I soared with the cloth creatures in the warm rays of the sun getting closer to callings. The cloth creatures danced in the skies and around me, carrying me by. I followed the river glyphs and landed on a path where the callings came from, somewhere in that divine light. I walked slowly before looking back. I was as I were in the beginning, alone. My friend should be here with me and together we were to reach the callings. A tear rolled down my eye thinking about my friend somewhere back on that cold mountain. I then smiled, I know what my wish will be. I want to know the name of my closest friend. I walked to the calling with the flare of adventure my friend has given me...
Written by O___Blue (Oh_Blu...)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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