
you are the sun
and I am the moon
your skin is white
the hottest part of the flame
I need your warmth
to sustain my being
my skin is blue
I sustain the life of our universe
I pull at the waters
and attract your fire
stay by me
I need your light
I was blind in the darkness
before you were born out of the void
you are in my reflection
you see your face and smile
because you know
I need to see your smile
in the morning
and at dusk when you fall into your slumber
I watch over you
and the worlds we've conceived
I craddle you into my shoulder
and cover you like a blanket
the warmth you provided in the day world
I absorbed
to keep you warm in the nighttime
we are symbiotic in our need for the other
without one
the other would dissipate into dust
stay with me my goddess sun
and I will with you
your god of the night
your moon
your love
your master
as you are my
my heart is yours
keep me safe
your heart is mine
I will keep you wholly
until time deteriorates
and we crumble once again
as it is in the cycle of
Written by noonenothingnone (nathan i)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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