We Part To Meet And Meet To Part II

when she got there..They were sitting in a circle outside. Laughing. Sipping red liquid. Reminisce on old times.. Scarlet envied them, even from afar, they sat with no care in the world. But she had many problems. Even her presence there was one,, but in the end, one just takes the curve balls as they come .

There is music. I feel like dancing but i don't.the welcome is warm and instantly followed by a recap of a night i had shared with them. Unforgettable. Priceless memories :-)
After we laughed, i felt more at home but still in silence.Romeo who had left the scene upon my arrival to refill his glass returned and sat on the chair behind me. Then he started feeling my pockets and asking what was inside them, i answered ;phone and wallet. He took my phone and typed a question,

''Why are you quiet?''

I had no reason, there was nothing to say... I told him just that. Then he went back to chatting with his friends, and i mine via text. But i was having a good time. I went to get a glass of cold water and sat in the house for sometime. Liam was listening to some beats on the laptop.. I asked him where mine were, he let me listen to them. I loved them, the strings added the right amount of emotion and the beat was catchy.. I was grateful....but would i b alive long enough to write the song and record it? ... Romeo calls me outside, he ask me questions and tells me I'm lying....he reminds me of my dad. He uses the same phrases that he uses. I ignore it but acknowledge it on the shelf somewhere at the back of my mind,,,,with a huge DO NOT OPEN sign.he asks me if I'm fine...

Why wouldn't i be?

In my head i recall how he placed his hands on my waist and pushed me away, 'my heart refused to believe he could reject me like that, my mind refused to accept it.. But my soul started crying,,and still hadn't stopped..'
I think i pushed him away, he asks again... "Can i just hold you?"
I don't answer, but i herd him, I'm trying to listen.. I think about it. Do i want him to? My mind says no but my heart and soul say yes. We embrace in a hug. A long hug. Everything ceases to be..i want him forever as i have him now. My friend.i want to tell him what the doctor said but i cant... Hes got better things to worry about. I'm still holding him, i breath him into me,, and keep his scent forever buried within a box labeled USE IN CASE OF EMERGENCY.His touch tattooed on my skin,, he gives the best hugs. Then we stop and i know its time..i go back inside the house,

when he enters he is shirtless and holding an almost empty glass.. Hes cut.

Romeo is drunk. There were tears. I know he loves me, Ive never doubted that. I don't say anything..i just listen,, watching his colors...their so beautiful,...blood red. He says what he has to say then he walks away...from me, again. I learn t it from him.. Its what i do best now.. Just walk away..

I feel like crying, but i cant, not here not now,,,maybe not ever but its just one of those lies u tell yourself. Some tears escape
I feel vulnerable
I hate this feeling I hate seeing him like this. It disgusts me. Th last time i drank i spent the night with him. When i lay in his arms and trusted him that night as i do tonight and probably will for the rest of my short life.I'm lost in a train of thoughts... I recall what i said to Liam, i came so close to telling him,, wen i was explaining my fifth cup of water and not wine... How do u tell a friend your dying?? Without gaining their pity? I hope he doesn't remember.
I watch romeo lift the glass to his lips i feel nauseous,I'm somehow scared for him, as much as i am worried about him,,, but then again if u think about it, i cud b mad at him.. He is in good health and wasting away his life while i keep track of the hours.
I tell him i have to leave, he looks at me and looks away,, and takes another sip of his wine,, i stand up and leave, he calls out my name and follows me,,''Scarlet!!'' i want to yell what do you want from me? But instead i keep walking. I'm singing to myself, anything to stop the flood...

Written by Texiera
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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