Baydir and elyeanor
Across a crimson field that bled
his gaze fell on ten thousand dead
his sword and armour ran blood red
yet none of it was his
sheathing his blade almar now
he pulled his helm from sweat stained brow
and thought upon a sacred vow
from his lady elyeanor
saying "send a message straight away
with news about the battles fray
and if none comes i,ll fear the worst
that you are dead the battle lost
your flame extinguished, your spirit flown
and you journey on the great dark road
but travel slow my heart, is all i ask
for i shall follow hard and fast"
his head dropped down weary limbs sighed
a brief respite but from his eye
a knight led men in a cloud of dust
it was his kinsmen artemis
well met good cousin, dread high king
your men and captains their fealty bring
and wait your word their duty done
the enemy broken the battle won
Baydir glanced at the sea of limbs
ghostly now no battles din
so many heartbeats that had ceased
a bloody death the price of peace
one had won and one had lost
a victory but at such great cost
so fill the jugs and raise them up we,ll toast the dead here in our cups
but first he turned to artemis and held him quietly by the wrist
saying send a message to Carismayne
his kingdom and his royal domain
of victory and his swift return
to his lady Elyeanor
the message sent as night grew close
and so they drank to friend and foe
and cheered lost comrades on their way
as drunken night turned into day
then quickly up in saddles set moving fast toward the west
to Carismayne oer hills and fields
hi hearthtroop hard upon his heels
here some strange madness oertook Baydir
and urged on by some ghostly fear
he lashed his horse for half a day
till his eyes fell on great Carismayne....
the gates wide open, strangeness here
no trumpet call nor flags nor cheers
but a multitude of muted sighs
as a thousand people hid their eyes
heads hung low as in a daze
for none could bear to meet his gaze
through the gateways towered walls
palace gates and marbled walls
and entering the hall of thrones
an icy chill crept through his bones
as all his whole world fell apart
a thousand daggers pierced his heart
for there his love his hearts desire
lay dead upon a funeral bier
his lady Elyeanor..
"poison lord" his chancellor cried
peering out through tear stained eyes
"she said life without you she could not face
and would not tarry in this place
she drank the vial before none could move
and cried i go to meet my love"
"this cannot be Baydir replied
for i sent word that very night"
his chancellor shook his head in vain
"im sorry lord, no message came"
inside his very soul did cry
as tears welled up into his eyes
breaths now came in ragged spurts
walls closing in hearty fit to burst
out out his body cried and running out into the light
now to horse ,ride who knows where
none would follow, none would dare
he lashed his warhorse on and on
till day and night turned into one...
...he stopped upon a beaten track
his neighing horse had brought him back
from some dark place inside his mind
where his broken heart had tried to hide
he did not know this place he stood
a dark and ancient oaken wood
yet some inviting whispering sigh
bid him enter deep inside
on he walked into the night
and saw before him a welcoming light
a little further till he could see
a cabin made of earth and trees
he rapped the door, hello he cried
pushed the latch and walked inside
and walked into the tepid gloom
where a tiny fire lit up the room
an old woman stooped and turned her head
and from the hearth she turned and said
come in lord Baydir rest a while
theres food to eat she softly smiled
and passed a cup as if she knew
that he would drink the heady brew
and drink he did he had no fear
for he could sense no danger here
but speak he asked what is this game
i know you not yet you know my name
"all know thee Baydir gothic prince
steadfast honourable, omnipotent
warrior statesman dread high king
of whom maidens sigh and poets sing and of your loss your love your life
your lady Elyeanor
his shoulders sank down in deep despair
the words he did not wish to hear
i know of what befell you see
for thats what led you here to me
you think that all is lost and gone
foolish mortal your love lives on
for i know the place in which she dwells
an ancient world twixt heaven and hell
i know its name and what is more
i know the path toward the door
Elyeanor, a glimmer of hope
Baydirs words caught in his throat
woman if you know the way
then show me now without delay
do this for me point out the door
and all the worlds wealth will be yours
there is no charge for you to pay
the brew you drank will light the way
but hark great king, a warning bell
listen close to the words i tell
great evil waits in the land ahead
of evil demons long since dead
many have died there slashed and burned
and all who travelled there none returned
send me he cried, i will not wait
be not concerned about my fate
very well she cackled but listen fast
do not step from the narrow path
move neither left or neither right
but walk the track toward the light
his eyes swam and his lungs gasped
as the wooden cup slipped from his grasp
and falling fast through time and space
as years flashed by before his face
waking now, standing all alone
on a narrow path of blackened stone
eyes straining through the damp grey night
and in the distance a flickering light
slow at first then gaining speed
he ventured on with urgent need
and did not tarry or look back
for something moved there in the black
then suddenly a painfull cry
ten paces right ,a tiny child
with arms outstretched as in a plea
and whispering painfully," please help me"
no pause no fear or looking back
he strode across to close the gap
his head pained by the childs alarm
he would sweep him her up into his arms
but as he reached the tiny babe
its arms now seemed to bend and sway
and now in place of arms and hands
serpents heads with blood red fangs
the babe now changed to tooth and claw
as blood and bile dripped from its maw
and poisonous spines upon its back
it quickly moved into attack
Baydir saw the hideous teeth and unleashed almar from his sheath swinging down straight at its heart
he clove the demons breast apart
it suddenly burst into a flame
and gave out with a howlimg wail
and melted back into the night
as Baydir headed for the light
he gained the path and ran and ran
the light was where he,d make his stand
faster now feet skimmed the ground
for movement now was all around
and growling hissing sounds all broke
as darkest evil now awoke
he reached the light and what he saw
made him stop and gasp in awe
a maiden soft of beauty fair
ivory skin and raven hair
weeping softly head hung in shame
bound to a rock with fiery chains
his lady Elyeanor
lady, Baydir softly spoke
his love looked up and rivers broke
of tears and laughter mingled both
and held him tight for all her worth
till chilled reality drained her face
and she said my love you must leave this place
not without you never again
and swung his sword against fiery chains and tried and tried again in vain
for his lady Elyeanor
i am cursed she softly said
so you must save yourself instead
as shadows moved now all around
spitting scraping hunting souinds
suddenly a blinding light
lit up the inky robed night
and drove the beasts back step by step
and from the light the old woman crept
and spoke to Elyeanor
he cannot save you your curse is set
three score years and ten no less
and when your time served here is done
you will be free to journey on
but you lord king must come with me
or your ladys curse so yours will be
come quckly prince we must take flight
the evil comes to challenge the light
Baydir looked at his Elyeanor
and said begone witch close the door
leave now for you ask in vain
can you not see i have my world again
the witch nodded, none could break this pact
and i knew you would not come back
for there was no other thing to do
for Baydir king and warrior true
farewell o lord of purest heart
and left them to the brooding dark
Baydir turned and searched the black
a thousand blood red eyes stared back
and moved on belly hoof and paw
of scaly skin and tooth and claw
he watched the multitude now come
seventy years is not that long
and raised almar above his head
and smiled and whispered," come ahead"
.....and did he do this to gild his name
for wealth or fortune pride or fame
or stories told in days of
it was for love of his lady...Elyeanor.
his gaze fell on ten thousand dead
his sword and armour ran blood red
yet none of it was his
sheathing his blade almar now
he pulled his helm from sweat stained brow
and thought upon a sacred vow
from his lady elyeanor
saying "send a message straight away
with news about the battles fray
and if none comes i,ll fear the worst
that you are dead the battle lost
your flame extinguished, your spirit flown
and you journey on the great dark road
but travel slow my heart, is all i ask
for i shall follow hard and fast"
his head dropped down weary limbs sighed
a brief respite but from his eye
a knight led men in a cloud of dust
it was his kinsmen artemis
well met good cousin, dread high king
your men and captains their fealty bring
and wait your word their duty done
the enemy broken the battle won
Baydir glanced at the sea of limbs
ghostly now no battles din
so many heartbeats that had ceased
a bloody death the price of peace
one had won and one had lost
a victory but at such great cost
so fill the jugs and raise them up we,ll toast the dead here in our cups
but first he turned to artemis and held him quietly by the wrist
saying send a message to Carismayne
his kingdom and his royal domain
of victory and his swift return
to his lady Elyeanor
the message sent as night grew close
and so they drank to friend and foe
and cheered lost comrades on their way
as drunken night turned into day
then quickly up in saddles set moving fast toward the west
to Carismayne oer hills and fields
hi hearthtroop hard upon his heels
here some strange madness oertook Baydir
and urged on by some ghostly fear
he lashed his horse for half a day
till his eyes fell on great Carismayne....
the gates wide open, strangeness here
no trumpet call nor flags nor cheers
but a multitude of muted sighs
as a thousand people hid their eyes
heads hung low as in a daze
for none could bear to meet his gaze
through the gateways towered walls
palace gates and marbled walls
and entering the hall of thrones
an icy chill crept through his bones
as all his whole world fell apart
a thousand daggers pierced his heart
for there his love his hearts desire
lay dead upon a funeral bier
his lady Elyeanor..
"poison lord" his chancellor cried
peering out through tear stained eyes
"she said life without you she could not face
and would not tarry in this place
she drank the vial before none could move
and cried i go to meet my love"
"this cannot be Baydir replied
for i sent word that very night"
his chancellor shook his head in vain
"im sorry lord, no message came"
inside his very soul did cry
as tears welled up into his eyes
breaths now came in ragged spurts
walls closing in hearty fit to burst
out out his body cried and running out into the light
now to horse ,ride who knows where
none would follow, none would dare
he lashed his warhorse on and on
till day and night turned into one...
...he stopped upon a beaten track
his neighing horse had brought him back
from some dark place inside his mind
where his broken heart had tried to hide
he did not know this place he stood
a dark and ancient oaken wood
yet some inviting whispering sigh
bid him enter deep inside
on he walked into the night
and saw before him a welcoming light
a little further till he could see
a cabin made of earth and trees
he rapped the door, hello he cried
pushed the latch and walked inside
and walked into the tepid gloom
where a tiny fire lit up the room
an old woman stooped and turned her head
and from the hearth she turned and said
come in lord Baydir rest a while
theres food to eat she softly smiled
and passed a cup as if she knew
that he would drink the heady brew
and drink he did he had no fear
for he could sense no danger here
but speak he asked what is this game
i know you not yet you know my name
"all know thee Baydir gothic prince
steadfast honourable, omnipotent
warrior statesman dread high king
of whom maidens sigh and poets sing and of your loss your love your life
your lady Elyeanor
his shoulders sank down in deep despair
the words he did not wish to hear
i know of what befell you see
for thats what led you here to me
you think that all is lost and gone
foolish mortal your love lives on
for i know the place in which she dwells
an ancient world twixt heaven and hell
i know its name and what is more
i know the path toward the door
Elyeanor, a glimmer of hope
Baydirs words caught in his throat
woman if you know the way
then show me now without delay
do this for me point out the door
and all the worlds wealth will be yours
there is no charge for you to pay
the brew you drank will light the way
but hark great king, a warning bell
listen close to the words i tell
great evil waits in the land ahead
of evil demons long since dead
many have died there slashed and burned
and all who travelled there none returned
send me he cried, i will not wait
be not concerned about my fate
very well she cackled but listen fast
do not step from the narrow path
move neither left or neither right
but walk the track toward the light
his eyes swam and his lungs gasped
as the wooden cup slipped from his grasp
and falling fast through time and space
as years flashed by before his face
waking now, standing all alone
on a narrow path of blackened stone
eyes straining through the damp grey night
and in the distance a flickering light
slow at first then gaining speed
he ventured on with urgent need
and did not tarry or look back
for something moved there in the black
then suddenly a painfull cry
ten paces right ,a tiny child
with arms outstretched as in a plea
and whispering painfully," please help me"
no pause no fear or looking back
he strode across to close the gap
his head pained by the childs alarm
he would sweep him her up into his arms
but as he reached the tiny babe
its arms now seemed to bend and sway
and now in place of arms and hands
serpents heads with blood red fangs
the babe now changed to tooth and claw
as blood and bile dripped from its maw
and poisonous spines upon its back
it quickly moved into attack
Baydir saw the hideous teeth and unleashed almar from his sheath swinging down straight at its heart
he clove the demons breast apart
it suddenly burst into a flame
and gave out with a howlimg wail
and melted back into the night
as Baydir headed for the light
he gained the path and ran and ran
the light was where he,d make his stand
faster now feet skimmed the ground
for movement now was all around
and growling hissing sounds all broke
as darkest evil now awoke
he reached the light and what he saw
made him stop and gasp in awe
a maiden soft of beauty fair
ivory skin and raven hair
weeping softly head hung in shame
bound to a rock with fiery chains
his lady Elyeanor
lady, Baydir softly spoke
his love looked up and rivers broke
of tears and laughter mingled both
and held him tight for all her worth
till chilled reality drained her face
and she said my love you must leave this place
not without you never again
and swung his sword against fiery chains and tried and tried again in vain
for his lady Elyeanor
i am cursed she softly said
so you must save yourself instead
as shadows moved now all around
spitting scraping hunting souinds
suddenly a blinding light
lit up the inky robed night
and drove the beasts back step by step
and from the light the old woman crept
and spoke to Elyeanor
he cannot save you your curse is set
three score years and ten no less
and when your time served here is done
you will be free to journey on
but you lord king must come with me
or your ladys curse so yours will be
come quckly prince we must take flight
the evil comes to challenge the light
Baydir looked at his Elyeanor
and said begone witch close the door
leave now for you ask in vain
can you not see i have my world again
the witch nodded, none could break this pact
and i knew you would not come back
for there was no other thing to do
for Baydir king and warrior true
farewell o lord of purest heart
and left them to the brooding dark
Baydir turned and searched the black
a thousand blood red eyes stared back
and moved on belly hoof and paw
of scaly skin and tooth and claw
he watched the multitude now come
seventy years is not that long
and raised almar above his head
and smiled and whispered," come ahead"
.....and did he do this to gild his name
for wealth or fortune pride or fame
or stories told in days of
it was for love of his lady...Elyeanor.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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