
 Lost in my thoughts I think of how fucked up my life is
Day in and day out I can't get your voice out of my head
You, who always told me how worthless I am
Always ignoring my every attempt to please you
Always choosing him over me
Treating him like he is the better son than I ever was
When he screwed up you always told him that it will be okay
In my case all hell breaks loose, always

But now I look at a bright hope for me
I will escape from your wretched, twisted, evil hold
You who always held me back, I say to you
Not any more
I don't care whether I die or skip the country
As long as I am out of your reach

No matter what you do I will always escape your clutches
No matter how hard you look I will hide from you
Even in plain sight you will not see me
My mere presence will haunt you
Your thoughts of me will torment you

I will be free from you
Free from the shadows that all of you cast over me
Free to finally appreciate who I am
For in death my escape from you will be eternal  
Written by SmokeMirrorComplex
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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