Subject: Re: A sweet pear, cut in half. (cyber-missive excerpts)

Subject: A sweet pear, cut in half.

My wire spiders crawled away, and I no longer possess a torch. I lost a lot when I lost my coat, and the things that I kept in my pockets. I lose things, all the time. It makes it sweet, when I find them, and should I never find them, it makes it almost sweeter, they were phantoms, here for only a short time, but savored none the less. Sometimes, I indulge in wild searches, upturning the dust in the forgotten places, crawling into every crevice and corner of this house, of this town. And though I rarely find what I seek, I've found a lot of interesting things..

 Silver is lovely, It is more than a color.

excerpt 2
You may keep your ears, and I will keep my eyes, should we stay together, I will be your eyes, and I will paint pictures of the things I see with my voice, that you may also see.

The scent of a woman,... sweeter than a budding spring rose. The smell of stale cigarettes and coffee remind me of a place that I once loved dearly.

 The smell of spring, I love the smell of the fall's first rains.

excerpt 3
I love the sound of birds. They are quieter than the cars, and people that come and go. I used to feed them in the morning, and stand by my window and watch them scurry about and peck at their food, sipping my tea and warming my self by the heater.

Subject: Re: A sweet pear, cut in half.

i couldn't sleep....
i don't feel like writing.
i'll write later.
i always do.
i feel like a void right now.
there's absence.
i'm not even sure if the absence is even there.
maybe there's absence..
something isn't.
everything isn't.
i'm sorry.
i'll be different tomorrow.
enjoy your sweetness.
enjoy my half too.

Subject: RE: A sweet pear, cut in half.

It will be alright.
Within the void,
There is an emptiness that at times in life,
is undeniably necessary, should it be other wise,
Your mind might fill up, very much like your house,
and over time, over fill, and spill out of your brain.
I'll sit in a chair, Inside your emptiness,
and in my soft bird feather voice, tell you the secrets that the red flower told me,
the one that I found on the street,
that now sits on my table,
she is very beautiful,
she is dieing.

Subject: A sweet pair, cut in half.

excerpt 1
thank you for that palliation, and i realize now that it is so.
i think things are different. there is perspective.
clutter with perspective. order to come.
if you sit in that chair, i will not know it.
i am sorry to hear your friend is dying.

excerpt 2
i would listen to the sound of birds with you, and find a beauty in them that i never knew. those clumsy toothpick legs make me giggle. hop hop hahaha. i want to graft wings on you. you are a bird, not a plane. your engine is quiet and your grace compliments the air, not pollutes it.

do you have a wire spider picture?

excerpt 3
i've lost myself within these letters.

in the spring you shall come. i'll see if i can map a ricer route. you can build a raft and take the shallow waters.

Subject: RE: A sweet pair, cut in half.

excerpt 1
I'm afraid there is no physical proof I could ever present to you, other than my word, that the wire spiders were once very real little metal creatures, that lived inside my pockets, but now they are just vision.

excerpt 2
  Should you graph onto my naked back, a pair of wings, I should surly kiss you till you needed to breathe, and then I should take you into the air, and in a tree, in a nest, let you stroke my short black hair, and I'll look at you with my watery blue eyes...

Their little tooth pick legs... I love their little toothpick legs.

Subject: RE: A sweet pair, cut in half.

i exhale deeply...

Written by Conley (Delling)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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