My Dearest Andrew, Forever Your Mariah - March 1932

March 15th, 1932

  To my dearest love Andrew,

 I am terribly saddened and forever hurt by my father, I shall never forgive him the injustice he has imposed upon our love.  My heart breaks even now as I write this letter to you, my love, my darling Andrew, so cold my father is to keep you from me.  How dare he take our love and twist it into perverse sin, our love is pure and constant, how I long for you.  
 I fear the worst is yet to come, I have been sent to Dannerwood, I am to live with my Aunt Ruthie and be in her charge until that beastly man of a father sends for my return.  I'm afraid he plans to leave me there until I rot, I shall wither away and die in that old country manor.  How I wish you will come for me and take me away to be your bride, but father has taken great measures to ensure my future, he has appointed Mrs. Blutely as my chaperone, and as of now she sits across the room watching my every move.  I do not care if sees my letter, I do not care if she disapproves, I must write to you to keep myself from slipping away into madness, our words of love will keep me strong.
 Why does my father think our love is unworthy?  You are a good and strong man, well educated and wealthy, how could he deny our pledge of unity?  I am of age to marry, and I offer any man a handsome dowry, why can't I choose whom I wish?  I do not know if I shall ever love again, but I do know that I only love you, my true love, my Andrew.
 My bags are being packed in front of my eyes, and I'm beginning to feel the emptiness that is to come.  I dread the long journey to Dannerwood, it will be cold and wet the entire time, perhaps I'll catch pneumonia and father will regret sending me away, and taking you away.  My eyes have begun to tire and sting from the tears of heartache placed upon me, I must end this letter with even more sadness, I can only send a post just once a year.  My allowance has decreased immensely, I can only afford to buy one postage a year, so I shall spend it on you.  Do please write me often, your loving words will bring me hope and comfort, even if you do become happy with someone else, please my love, keep my memory, I shall always keep yours.  Until I can send you my love again, I will be counting the days until I receive word from you.

With all my love,
Forever your Mariah
Written by sjcomic
Published | Edited 10th Aug 2012
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