Harmon Express Arrives at Nine a.m. Part 3 (rough draft)

  The dining cart was bursting with the aromas of an italian bistro, fresh coffee, baked breads and simmering meats.  Even though the time was 8:30pm, the car was filled with passengers and servers buzzing about.  Everyone aboard was enjoying their meals and busy with conversation to notice the couple in the last booth.  
"Do you want me to decide for you?" she asked, timidly pushing the risotto with the tip of her fork.  
"How can you be so calm about this?" he impatiently puffed on his cigarette.  
"It's not a difficult choice, Agnes or be poor?" she gestured her hands as though they were a balance scale.  
"Neither of those choices appeal to me," he snuffed his cigarette in his leftover au gratin, "I choose the money, not Agnes.  Don't ever forget that." he pointed his pinky at her.  
  She smiled and laughed slightly, "So you honestly believe this will all blow over?" she leaned back and sipped her wine.  
"I'm hoping it does," he reached over and touched her hand, "makes me wish we had more time," he looked down, "why can't you just ditch Marcus for a few days and just stay with me a bit longer?" it was like he let it all out in one breath.  
  She pulled her hand away and lowered her glass to the table, "You know I can't and I won't.  I've told you before not to ask that of me." she was annoyed, she glared over at a round, big breasted woman adorned with bright feathers in her cap, the woman's laughter echoed about the car.  
  He sat back and watched a server pour claret for an old man smoking a pipe.  Apple cured tobacco scent lingered over to their table, he watched the smoke swirl and dance.  He looked back at his paramour and his top lip curled in anger.  
"Why not?  I'm suppossed to drop everything and come running when you call!" he clenched his teeth and pounded his finger on the table, "Do you realize that I lost the Tippton account because you needed me desperately at the Merion House? I almost lost my job, finding an excuse was not an easy task, but I did it for you."  
"That was a different matter, I needed you because of my brother, you know that his death was hard for me, and Marcus had to leave for Paris." her face was flushed with distemper.  
"I don't know when we will see each other again, doesn't that bother you, it bothers me, how is what were about to go through any different?"  
"Of course it bothers me, but my brother dying was something of a different matter!  I was alone and I didn't know what I would've done to myself, he was the other half of my heart, we shared a soul!" A solitary tear streamed down her cheek, she brushed it off and looked out the window.  
"You don't think I'll be alone?  I thought I had your heart also, this might be the last time we see one another, don't I deserve to need you too?" he hated to always be on the back burner, after all she was the one who persued him from the beginning.  She just stared at him with eyes wide and a little red, he couldn't sit across from her anymore, he grabbed his black cap and slid out of the booth.  
"Where are you going?" she asked vehemently, looking around to see if anyone noticed.  
"I don't think you need me right now," he leaned on the table to get closer to her ear, "and since I'm not allowed to need as much as you, I'm leaving you alone with your thoughts." he stood up and headed towards the door.  
  She kept her mouth shut and watched him walk away, she didn't want to make a scene.  She glanced at her time piece then pulled her handbag out to pay the bill.  Her head was tilted so no one can see the tears flow from her eyes.    
'Why can't he just understand?' she thought, 'This has to end eventually.'  She removed herself from the booth and then proceeded to look for him.  Careful to not make any waves in the crowd, she searched every car and every seat until she found him outside the very last car, hands placed on the railing and watching the dark hillside blend away with the horizon.  She stood in front of the door just watching him, she was thinking of what to say, she knew what she said was hypercritical and she wanted to make up for it.  
"How dare she, after everything I do for her, how dare she!"  All he could think about was her selfish attitude.    
"She's spoiled and self-centered," he looked down at the speeding tracks, flaring his nostrils with heated breath.  Thoughts of her hands caressing his body began to evade his mind, her infectious laughter drowned his hearing.  He still loves her and wants her, he doesn't want to give her up, his mind swills with their passionate infidelity.    
'I need her more than Agnes' money.'  This thought completely cleared his head, he knew what he needed the most, now only if he can convice her of it.  He made his mind up, he turned around and there she was, watching him from the other side of the door, and he instantly felt compelled to take her into his arms again.  
  She had her hand on the door hatch when he turned around, she could see the hurt she caused him within his eyes.  She undid the hatch and opened the door, he placed his hands on the frame to hold the door open then stood there longing for her.  Remembering the wound inflicted by her, he kept himself from wanting to hold her and make love to her.  She could see his tension and refrained from placing her hand on his chest and just looked up at him leering over her.  
"I'm sorry I've made this all about me, I know what you need is just as important as what I need," she took a deep breath, "You do mean more to me than some silly party I have to host." she closed her eyes and lowered her head.  
  He reached for her chin and raised her gaze, gingerly stroking her bottom lip with his thumb, "I'll forgive you on one condition." he looked into her eyes, "Come to me at the Fin Bella Inn after the party."  
  She looked up at him confused and unsure, "Do you mean that bed and breakfast outside of town?" she didn't know where he was going with this, but she did want to please him.  
"Yes, I'll be there waiting for you, will you come?" he almost made it seem like an ultimatum.  
"Alright, I will come, I will go there for you.  Now, will you forgive me?" she batted her long lashes at him.  
  He smiled heartfully, "I will forgive you," he made a small chuckle, then placed his forehead on hers, "of course I'll forgive you."  He placed his hand behind her head, pulled her into his embrace and began kissing her feverishly, her body went limp with ecstasy and leaned onto his.  The wind from the open door loosened the curls from her pins and was whipping the side of their faces, he brushed her hair away and then stepped inside to close the door.  Holding each other as close as they could, they went back to the berth they earlier occupied and went back to their sultry affair, forgetting all that has happened.
Written by sjcomic
Published | Edited 2nd Aug 2012
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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