The Great Escape Chapter 16, Part 3 of 12

The Great Escape
Chapter 16, Part 3 of 12

"Is she making jewelry?" Yumi wondered.

"Very unlikely," he answered. "Wildchild doesn't hold with female frippery. I bet it will be something practical."

After lunch, Dagma went for her first swim since getting sunburned. She stripped in the camp but was careful to keep on her wide-brimmed hat and apply oil from Thalassa's medicine box as sunscreen. That afternoon, Yumi also joined the swimmers.

Fearing she would be stared at, Yumi shyly left on her short yellow skirt and pink cotton top until she was far down the beach. She ran into the sea quickly. Even so, the women were fascinated by her shaved armpits, legs, and crotch. Although they didn't understand her diffidence, they respected it, except for Tamar, whose quest to understand everything in the universe made her impolitely curious.

She swam up to Yumi to ask why she had so little hair, a little more than a child. Was it natural?

The older women might have disapproved of Tamar's directness, but they surreptitiously moved closer to hear Yumi's reply.

Yumi found it impossible not to answer the inquisitive and harmless girl.

"Before I left Earth," she explained, "I had an electro-laser depilatory treatment. It should have lasted eighteen months, but it will last even longer because I was asleep so long."

"Was it painful?" Tamar wondered.

"It's supposed not to hurt, but it did. It always does a little."

"Why did you do it? Do all Earthwomen do it?"

"Many Earthwomen do. I did it for my boyfriend, Michio."

That puzzled Tamar. She asked her favorite question:


"Just to please him."

"But why? Why suffer pain to please a man? I can't imagine Ezra asking his bedmates to suffer pain."

As Kalyndra and Devon exchanged a private smile at that statement, Dagma decided to intervene to protect Yumi from more embarrassing questions.

"Tamar," she said, "let Yumi swim in peace."

"I was just asking."

"It's all right," Yumi said. "I understand why you want to know. It's hard to explain."

The truth was that her shaved pussy was more sensitive, which was nice, but also, that part of her enjoyed suffering a little discomfort for the sake of her boyfriend. It made her feel submissive. Not that he deserved it, she reminded herself.

Yumi didn't know how to explain all that to an underage girl and took refuge in Dagma's intervention.

While most women swam and Tamar pestered Yumi, Wildchild progressed in her experiment.

She noticed the fish's imprint on the clay molds they were cooked in. She fetched more clay and whittled a shape in wood. She cut a soft mold in half with her knife and pushed the template into each side. With a thin stick of wood, she also made a passage through the clay from the top and pushed the two sides together. She left the mold to dry in the sun.

Thalassa and Ezra were the two other members of the salvage party who were not swimming.

They had gone for a walk along the dunes.

"How are you feeling after that orgy in the tent?" Ezra asked.

"I'm feeling happy. It was wonderful. ... I'm sorry we tricked you."

"Don't be. It was my fault for neglecting you for so long, but you know why?"

"You thought I was just a girl and not yet a woman."

She said this with a wise and patient smile, without hinting at "I told you so."

"So you're willing to have sex again?" he asked.

"Any time you want. Do you need to ask me?"

Ezra chuckled.

"You know I'm not good at reading signals. What I wanted to do was to tell you what a wonderful lover you are and that I want you to be a regular bedmate if you want it as well ..." he didn't finish.

Thalassa put her arms around his neck, pulling their mouths together.

"Read this signal!" she said and kissed him with an open mouth, the tip of her tongue pushing
against his teeth, parting his lips, making him kiss her back with his tongue.

Things heated up quickly, and soon they were lying on the warm grass, Thalassa on top, one hand in his beard, the other slipping into his shirt, brushing his chest hair. She made love with teenage passion, feeling the hot joy of discovery and the lively anticipation of new-found love.

The kiss seemed to last for ages, and when she raised her mouth from his, he brushed her sweet-smelling hair to one side of her head to nibble her thin neck. She shut her eyes and sighed with pleasure. She undid her leather jacket to release her lovely tits, arching her back, pushing out her chest in invitation.

He kissed at the tanned globes, which jutted out firmly. They seemed disproportionately large on the skinny girl. The good-size light-brown nipples begged to be sucked. Ezra did what he most loved doing and adored the beautiful girl's gorgeous tits.

He put a hand under her leather skirt and eased it down over her hips. She got up to kick off her skirt and played the same game with him, taking his clothes off slowly, kissing his chest as she removed his shirt, working her way down his body to undo his trousers, one slow button at a time.

When she exposed his cock, she knew what she wanted to do. She began with small kisses from the tip of his cock down the shaft, feeling the cock twitch as blood pumped in. She sat naked, her knees spread over his legs, and took his cock into her mouth, smiling as she felt it quickly hardening.

He brushed her hair from her forehead to see what was happening. She had the head of his cock in her mouth. She looked up at him, her calm silver eyes sparkling with lust and discovery. Still smiling her hungry smile, she bowed her head and took his whole cock into her mouth.

It was an exquisite blow-job. Her soft lips and warm, exploring tongue were smooth as silk.

They gently brought him to full-size hardness. She laid her tongue flat on the base of his cock and licked up to the tip, then she sucked on the head, bobbing her mouth up and down, releasing it with a sexy popping sound.

It was like heaven, especially the final suck with her lip on the sensitive top of his cock-head.

He lay back and groaned deeply.

"You're amazing, Darling!" he said.

Her mouth was full so that she couldn't answer, but she'd learned something and now repeated that action until he was close to a climax. It was teasing at its best and entirely unlearned and instinctive; she read his responses and reacted accordingly.

She stopped to let his arousal subside, moving herself up his body again until they were mouth-to-mouth, kissing deeply, his hands around her waist.

She moved further up his body, giving him her throat to kiss, then her lovely tits again. He kissed down her body to her ribs and the taut drum of her wasp waist, which was sensitive to his lips.

She was skinny, though apparently healthy and undeniably sexy. Her hip bones jutted out. He could count her ribs by sight. He kissed down her stomach, around the thin navel, slowly working toward her pussy, nuzzling her brown pubic hair.

It was the softest pubic hair he'd ever felt. It went around her pussy and in a thin line down the inside of each thigh. He kissed her outer lips, warming her thighs with a hand gently tracing a line along her skinny thighs.

As he lavished her pussy, he could feel her arousal: the heat in her labia as they swelled with blood; the sweet smell of her pussy, flushed with lubrication; the taste of the salty ocean left on the skin of her thighs. She breathed in heavily and sighed slowly as his kisses reached the sensitive highlight of her clitoris.

He teased her, working on her clit and then moving away to kiss again down her belly or along the inside of her thighs. He held her by the waist, his fingers almost touching her back.

Thalassa loved being held tightly. She breathed deeply and leaned forward, touching his shoulders to steady herself.

He kissed back down to her pussy and, this time gave her clitoris more than a brief visit. She began to buck slowly, moaning with lust. Sexual desire flushed her pussy. He pulled her lips apart to lick along the slit, tasting her juice, tangling her clit at the end of each stroke. She gasped and moaned. He kept this up, and she got even more aroused and closer to satisfaction each time.

He pushed a finger into her twat, pushing downward to stretch the muscles as he sucked on her clit. That moved her, and she arched, moaning sweetly. He turned his finger the other way up but only laid it flat on her g-spot.

He did his trick of sucking on her pussy to make a vacuum and releasing his finger from her sweet spot to fill it with blood. That got her going. Her back arched, and she felt the strain building in her legs, the hot joy buzzing in her pussy.

"Oh my God! Yes! Yes! Just like that!"

She moaned louder and arched further as he rubbed the engorged spot. There was a warm, wet pleasure building deep in her belly and a sweet tingling on the surface of her skin, but most of the joy was focused on her G-spot. He rubbed harder in her vagina, flicking his tongue over her clitoris.

The climax came at her from all directions, enveloping her body. Her legs shook, and her back hunched. She cried out for joy. It wasn't over. She came again, shaking her hips, rubbing her pelvis on his face. Once more, she was done, sliding off, breathing heavily, and sighing as she rested and recovered.

"Oh my God, Ezra! I didn't know my pussy could do that! No wonder we're all in love with you!"

"I think that's because I'm the only man here, Sweetheart."


She didn't dispute the point, but after a rest, she said, "My turn!" and climbed back on board, lowering her pelvis onto him, lining her slit up with his erection. She pushed down, wiggled a little, rose, and pushed down again until she'd engulfed his cock. She began to ride him slowly in a sensuous figure-of-eight motion, quietly moaning with the pleasing friction.

He sucked her tits again, his hands on her hips. Her hair fell onto his chest as she swiveled her little bottom to an erotic rhythm.

Thalassa moaned louder, breathing more heavily as she made more energetic thrusts. She leaned on him, holding him tightly, her gasping breaths hot on his neck.

She felt the orgasm begin with a tingle in her back, spreading over the skin like a warm blanket. It promised to be a deeper, stronger orgasm than the climax Ezra had just given her.

She was working up to it slowly, thrusting faster, feeling the tension rise.

The orgasm grew quickly and overwhelmed her brain. She moaned, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" again and again, thrusting her pelvis, eyes shut, feeling the convulsion all over, from her toes to her throat. The mind-numbing pleasure captured her senses.

Ezra felt a squeezing spasm on his cock as she hunched and arched, her pelvis shuddering, legs shaking until she stopped frozen, crying out from satisfaction. He held her waist and thrust up into her, faster, harder, in an urgent need to reach a peak, bringing them both off.

Thalassa came again, shouting for joy, and, at last, Ezra came as well, the tension breaking, hot juice spurting up into her skinny body as he pumped hard one last time and groaned with completion.

She felt immense satisfaction, coming down from the peak of her orgasms, lying now in warm contentment, sharing their joy with a melting relaxation.

While dinner was being prepared, Wildchild was still fascinated by her glass creations. The first mold - an experiment - was a success, and she had a convex piece of glass to show.

Tamar and Carlin came over in their blankets to help. The magnifying glass was barely usable, but it showed Wildchild what she could do.

With her language of signs and grunts, Wildchild gave tasks to the girls, who charged up the laser pen knives and fetched more clay.

They set up a production line for the molds, and by dinner, Wildchild had heated the cooking stones for the potatoes and fish. They then added twenty clay molds to bake them hard. Each mold produced two of whatever Wildchild was making.

Dinner was ready when Ezra and Thalassa came back, holding hands. They quietly took their places by the campfire. Soon, those of Wildchild's molds that hadn't cracked in the baking were ready for the glass to be poured in. Neglecting her dinner and, with the last of her laser pen's charge, Wildchild melted heaps of sand on her granite rock and poured yellow liquid glass into the molds, placing them in dips on the ground to cool down.

Satisfied for the moment, Wildchild relaxed and took her dinner plate from Tamar. She'd been working naked ever since her dip in the sea. Ezra draped a blanket over her shoulders.

Surprised, she looked up to thank him with a smile and saw admiration in his eyes. It pleased her. She smiled again and continued with her dinner.

Before the rain, Wildchild showed everyone what she'd made in the clay molds. She opened one to reveal two beautifully sharp glass arrowheads with holes at their bases to fit them in the shaft and tie them off. She broke open the other molds. Some arrow points had cracks or air bubbles, but she had about two dozen good ones from the batch.

She couldn't wait to test them and slept that night dreaming of the pigeon hunt.

The Herders arrived from the Cloner Fair late in the morning, the third day after Yumi revived.

Solange, Ash, and Glynn rode into the salvage party camp with three pack horses dragging sleds. Introduced to Yumi, Solange kindly welcomed her to Samothea. Then, the women sat down to catch up with the gossip from the Cloner Fair. It was a noisy assembly.

The most crucial news concerned the legal hearing for Belena, who accused Calliope of mutiny and usurpation. The Mariner women were cheered to learn that the Lawspeaker dismissed Belena's arguments and confirmed Calliope as acting chief of the Mariner Tribe pending a future election.

Gloria offered to mediate between the two women, hoping Belena could return to her tribe, but the ex-chief proudly refused. She would rather live with the Farmers than admit she was wrong. Gerta, her daughter, loyally accompanied her mother.

It was the result the Mariners expected (some were unkind enough to hope for it), and it was a relief.

It was time to load the baskets of salvage goods into the sleds, one for each tribe. The
baskets contained bedclothes, pillows, tools, a broken computer pad, and any other bric-a-brac that could be a shiny treat for the children.

A peculiar addition to one of the Herders' baskets was a pack of firm but squishy yellow stuff, thin copper cylinders with short wires, and a row of tiny buttons.

"What's this?" Solange asked, picking up one of the yellow packs to sniff and squishing it in her hand.

"Plastic explosive," Ezra said.

She looked quizzically at him but, typical of her, didn't put the explosive down.

"Do you remember you showed me a mountain that, if we could just remove its top, we could make a road to the southern plain for the cattle?" he asked.


"Well, you're holding enough explosives to flatten the mountain."

She put it down carefully.

"It can't go off without a detonator," he explained, "which is one of the copper cylinders. The problem is, they're electronic, and I don't think they'll work. I salvaged them anyway, and now.

Yumi's here, and she might be able to fix them."

Yumi was listening and picked up a detonator as he spoke. She pressed some of its buttons and shook her head.

To be continued
Written by nutbuster (D C)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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