The Great Escape Chapter 13, Part 1 of 8

The Great Escape
Chapter 13, Part 1 of 8

Ezra and his party stay with the Mariners.

A happy bunch of Woodlanders and Mariners embarked on the two-hour trudge across the sweltering plain from the forest to the settlement by the sea, gossiping and joking. Tamar, especially, didn't stop speaking unless she was directly addressed. Still, she skipped along, regaling her friends from the Mariner tribe with the adventure of the trip to the mountains and everything Wildchild, Carlin, and she had done there.

The other Woodlander members of the salvage party were Dagma and Ezra. However, according to the treaty of the three tribes, Ezra was technically a Mariner this month, a formality only Mirselene was bothered by.

They carried the salvage equipment on their shoulders. Knowing Dagma was pregnant and had already held her burden four hours from the Forest Camp, Kalyndra offered to take her place, but Dagma refused. She was a strong woman and quite able to manage, even though her shoulders and back ached and her legs began feeling numb.

Dagma told herself it was only pride that made her refuse. The fight with Kalyndra many months ago, in which Urulla was severely injured, had long since been forgiven on both sides, and she was sure there was no lingering resentment. The two women had worked well together in the Woodlander Camp, where Kalyndra had served as a meek and obedient hostage.

It could be jealousy, of course, Dagma admitted to herself. She was plump and plain, while Kalyndra was a Mediterranean sex goddess. Tall and curvy, her olive skin was deeply tanned by working naked in the sun, and her jet-black hair fell in thick, shiny waves to her waist. She had high cheekbones, an elegant jaw, a wide mouth, and sculpted nostrils.

From her elegant neck to her jutting-out breasts, now confined by a short jacket, from her flat stomach with a long slit of a belly button to her long legs with powerful thighs, Kalyndra exuded pneumatic sexual perfection. She gave Dagma more than a twinge of envy, yet Dagma was pregnant, carrying Ezra's child, not Kalyndra.

She was nudged out of her self-justifying reverie by a shift in weight on the bamboo poles.

Dagma's psychic ability told her precisely what Ezra was thinking: that she was foolish to refuse help. Of course, it wasn't a psychic ability, just the sense of body language that women seem to have more strongly than men. Ezra must have shrugged or stepped a little faster in unconscious disapproval. She took the hint.

"Kalyndra," she called out. "I've changed my mind. Please, will you take over from me?"

The tall girl happily did so, and Dagma carried Kalyndra's shoulder basket instead. She walked beside Ezra and held his hand in an unexpectedly girlish act. He smiled at her and briefly put both their hands on her belly. Then they walked hand in hand until Dagma decided she didn't want the other women looking at her and dropped his hand.

Tamar skipped up, still full of bright chatter, gradually running down. In the pause, Ezra asked her to describe her early life among the Herders. He'd heard most of the story before, but he loved the girl and liked to hear her talk almost as much as she enjoyed talking. So, entertained by Tamar's descant rendering of her exciting autobiography, the party trudged through the searing windless heat to the shelter of the Mariner Settlement and its relieving ocean breeze.
The trade goods were stored at the settlement, and the guests were assigned to huts.

Calliope, the Mariner chief, put Ezra in with Kalyndra and Devon to save squabbles. If one counted on from the end of his previous visit to the Mariners, it would be their turn to be his bedmate. The other Woodlanders were given their hut to share.

After they'd settled in, the tribe gathered in front of Calliope's boat for more introductions. The Mariner children were keen to meet the Woodlander girls. It also had to be decided who among the Mariners would go with the salvage party.

"How many divers do you need, Ezra, and whom do you prefer?" Calliope enquired.

"Kalyndra and Devon have volunteered to be divers, so I'd like two more who can also dive well."

Here was a dilemma. All the Mariners yearned for the excitement of the Cloner Fair, compared to the fact that the salvage operation seemed like hard work. It was also a yearly treat for their children. Some women not already pregnant or who just liked sex with a man might have the compensation of sleeping with Ezra, but this was not compensation enough. No one volunteered, so Calliope chose for them:

"Thalassa," she addressed her daughter, "I'd like you to go with the salvage party: your medical skills might be useful."

The sweet-natured girl agreed without protest, which pricked the conscience of Cressi, the fun-loving blonde.

"I'll go as well," she volunteered.

Now that the salvage party had a full complement, they inspected the raft the Mariners had prepared. Pulled up on a bank of the muddy estuary, from where it could be quickly launched, it was a strong fishing raft about twelve feet along each edge, its seasoned timbers tied together with vines.

Sturdy canoe-like outriggers supported the raft. A dozen or so empty baskets, two of which contained vegetables and dried fish, were on board. Water bladders and empty leather bags were secured to the raft under rope netting. Paddles of odd shapes and sizes were tied on with long ropes.

Ezra and Kalyndra went to fetch the apparatus he made to supply air underwater. They stowed it under the rope netting, though the ends of the longer bamboo poles stuck out.

Ezra considered it an excellent raft, precisely what he had hoped for. He suggested the party gather at Calliope's table to learn their jobs. There were four main tasks: pumping air down to the divers outside the ship, ferrying the air in bags to the divers in the boat, carrying out the salvage goods, and hauling them up in baskets to the raft.

The discussion continued until dinner time and was resolved harmoniously. It was agreed that nearby swimmers would care for the rafts' unfit passengers and that those diving into the ship would not risk staying down too long.

Dinner was high-spirited. The Mariner women were always thrilled to have visitors. Kalyndra and Devon were subjected to fond ribbing about being Ezra's bedmates and missing out on the Cloner Fair. They answered back in a lively manner, but Ezra smiled to himself.

As usual, ten-year-old Juniel requested his laser penknife. She made pretty colors and shapes to dazzle and excite the more minor children. The fourteen-year-old sculptress Odette displayed her latest works for general admiration. Wildchild and Thalassa, seventeen and eighteen, got to know each other. The patient and gentle Mariner girl with a calm, beautiful face and chestnut hair quickly picked up Wildchild's method of communicating with signs and grunts.

The evening ended well, with everyone retiring early to their huts to prepare for their journeys the next day, either to the Cloner Fair or searching for the crash-landing site.

Because Kalyndra and Devon had already stowed their kit on the raft, they could relax that night. In the hut, they were as playful as they'd been at dinner, threatening to leave Ezra to sleep in the chair while they comforted themselves on the bed. It gave him a malicious pleasure to say:

"Ladies, I've not forgotten I still owe you a punishment from two months ago."

That stopped them in their tracks. Kalyndra had been looking forward to this moment. It was true what she'd once said to Devon, that the waiting was the worst part. She smiled her hungry smile and savored the nervous tingling along her spine and the butterflies in her stomach that always came before sex sessions with Ezra.

Devon also responded with tingling expectations and butterflies but without any lustful eagerness. She felt apprehension and a little fear. What excited Kalyndra was not knowing what Ezra would do: the same thing, but only worried Devon.

"Kali, fetch your bag," Ezra ordered.

Kalyndra immediately pulled out the cloth bag where she carried the gear they'd collected for their games. She meekly handed it to him, and he tipped the contents onto the bed. Then Ezra brought out a bag he'd carried from the Woodlander camp. He also tipped it onto the bed, making sure the girls had a good look at its contents.

In addition to the ropes, leather gags, and the flask of nut oil from Kalyndra's bag, there were wooden pegs and two wooden paddles, a long, thick one and a short, thin one. Kalyndra's level of expectation rose excitedly, as did Devon's level of worry.

"Stand over here," he said, "next to each other. Keep your hands by your sides."

They obeyed, and he kissed them. Kalyndra first responded with an exploring tongue, leaning her body against his but careful not to move her hands, though she wanted to. Devon was naturally demure but came alive when she kissed. Now, however, she was too nervous to kiss him back hard. He pulled her to him and pressed his mouth to hers. They sucked each other's lips in a gentle way that didn't last long. When he pulled back, he asked:

"Are you ready for your punishments?"

"Yes," said Kalyndra, her chin proudly up.

"No," said Devon, looking down and timid.

"Kali, I want to talk to Devon privately for a minute."

"Of course, Ezra." She quickly left the hut.

"Devon," he said, "you understand that what Kalyndra and I do is a game? You didn't do anything wrong that day on the beach two months ago, and I have no right to punish you. I was making an excuse to have fun with you both. You don't have to go through with it if you don't want to; if you do, any time you want to stop, say so or shake your head, and I'll stop.

Neither Kali nor I will enjoy even a minute of this if you don't also enjoy it. Do you understand?"

"I do, and I'll go through with it. I'm scared, but I also want to know what Kalyndra loves about punishment and obeying you."

"Good for you. Kalyndra," he called out, "come back in."

"Ezra, why did you send her out?" Devon asked.

"Because I didn't want to spoil the effect," he whispered as the cloth flap opened. "Kalyndra takes these games seriously, and I have to stay in character: I have to pretend to be angry with you."

"I understand," she whispered back.

"Let's begin," Ezra said as Kalyndra approached. "I want you both to strip."

The girls did so quickly and in unison.

"Kalyndra, tie Devon's arms crossed behind her back."

"Not too tightly," he warned, handing her a rope. "Don't constrict her blood flow."

Kalyndra did a good job. Devon's apprehension was restored when she was securely tied.

"Now tie her ankles."

This done, Ezra did the same to Kalyndra, forcing her arms tightly across her back and locking her ankles together. She grunted under the strain but made no complaint. Then he kissed the girls again, more passionately this time.

He put a leather gag into Kalyndra's mouth, which she took without protest, yet even she had a look of fear on her face when he collected the wooden pegs from the bed.

"Devon," he barked the order, "suck Kalyndra's tits!"

She carefully bent over and latched her mouth onto one of Kalyndra's generous nipples, sucking gently.

"Harder!" Ezra ordered, slapping Devon's bottom. Devon obeyed, making Kalyndra breath roughly. "Come on, Devon," Ezra repeated, smacking her bottom again, "much harder!" Devon sucked with all her strength, and Kalyndra gasped, but her head went back, and she pushed out her chest.

"Good girls," Ezra said as he walked around the women, admiring Kalyndra's beautiful curves and Devon's small, up-pointing breasts, elegant white neck, stomach with a hint of strong muscle, and little bulge forming in her belly. That was new. She had firm buttocks and shapely legs, meeting in a rich bush of dark brown hair.

He fondled Kalyndra's bottom and lent over to take her other tit into his mouth, licking her wantonly erect nipples. He cupped the mound of her pussy, running his middle finger through its folds, pleased by her wetness. Letting go of her tit, he took a wooden peg, pulled her nipple out firmly, and attached the peg to it. Kalyndra winced and bit the gag to fight the pain.

"Devon, you can stop sucking."

He then pegged Kalyndra's other nipple. That was Kalyndra prepared.

He left her standing in the middle of the hut, breathing heavily and trying to control the pain, but he could see the moisture glistening on her hairy snatch and smelled the unmistakable scent of a woman ready to be fucked. He traced a bead of sweat running down her breast and, meeting the beautiful woman's eyes, smiled and gave one of the pegs a firm twist.

Kalyndra's legs almost collapsed under her from the pain in her tit. She also felt an electric shock in her pussy. Savoring the pain he gave her, Kalyndra met his eyes with an even gaze, neither defiant nor imploring, just accepting. Ezra smiled at her again, at her heat and longing, her pain turning into wet arousal. He let her twisted nipple return to normal and turned to work on Devon, who was worried correctly again now.

First, he gagged her and then greedily sucked her nipples to erect. He tweaked them to stretch them out. Devon had sensitive nipples, the more so when she was aroused, and, despite her anxiety, she was intensely aroused. She was feeding off Kalyndra's reactions. The more Kalyndra submitted to the pleasure of being used, the more Devon feared Ezra would do the same to her, and the more it turned her on despite her fear.

He rubbed a peg against a nipple, and she shied away strongly. He worked some more on the nipple. Then he pulled it out sharply and attached the peg. Devon screamed, immediately pulling off the peg and throwing it away. He gently massaged her tit, and her cries died down to a whimper until she was quiet.

She hated having her nipples pegged, yet it had a strong effect on her. Her clit was buzzing, and she felt warmth in her pussy. He cupped her mound, lightly rubbing over her clitoris. She almost came, bucking and whimpering, but he moved his hand away immediately, letting her squirm without satisfaction, tantalizingly horny and restrained.

He turned back to Kalyndra, lifted her, and plonked her face on the bed on her knees. He pulled her head up with her hair until she was looking forward.

"Push up your bottom," Ezra commanded. Kalyndra obeyed, arching her back and exposing herself to whatever he was about to do.

He guided Devon in an ungainly shuffle to kneel by the bed, facing Kalyndra. Devon could feel her girlfriend's heavy breathing as the raven-haired beauty grimaced at the throbbing pain from the nipples she was lying on.

"Listen carefully," Ezra commanded. "I am going to give you girls forty spanks. Kali will be first.

Devon, it's up to you to say how many spanks she receives because you'll have the remainder. Watch her face and stop me when you think she's had enough. Do you understand?"

Devon nodded, and Ezra immediately began spanking Kalyndra's bottom with the small wooden paddle. She grunted. They were not hard strokes at first, but they gradually got more challenging. She planned to take as many spanks as possible to spare Devon. She hoped the other girl would read her expressions correctly and not try to be generous. The sixth to tenth spanks were hard enough to make Kalyndra moan out loud. Her bottom felt hot and raw. She was sweating but shook her head in answer to the fearful question Devon posed with her eyes.

Spanks eleven to fifteen were stronger yet and raised crimson welts on her buttocks. Spanks sixteen to twenty brought tears and cries muffled by the gag, but still, she shook her head at
Devon's imploring eyes. Spank twenty-one was ferocious, and Kalyndra bit the leather gag fiercely, but she didn't give up. Devon was about to take over when Kalyndra shook her head again.

Ezra was giving Kalyndra time to recover between strokes, which oddly made things worse.

Spanks twenty-two to twenty-five were softer but excruciatingly slow. Devon wanted to wipe away the tears and saliva that dribbled down Kalyndra's lovely face. Her face ran with sympathetic tears.

What Devon couldn't see was that Kalyndra's pussy was also dripping wet. She felt aroused like this whenever Ezra spanked or whipped her, and in the lulls between strikes, she let her mind wander back to previously cherished punishments.

Spanks twenty-five to thirty were quicker and more complicated, but only number thirty was unbearable. Ezra had given up finding unmarked places to strike but added to one of the angriest welts with a good swing. Kalyndra shrieked. That was enough. Devon stood up, demanding to take over from Kalyndra.

"At last!" Ezra exclaimed, "Kalyndra, you are an amazing woman - you suffer so beautifully!"

He pulled Kalyndra up and told her to kneel upright. He then loosened a peg from a nipple.

She screamed, and she screamed again when Ezra sucked blood into the poor abused nub, but she soon died down to a whimper, and the tingling warmth that remained in her tit made all the pain worthwhile. A minute later, Ezra repeated the torment on her other nipple. The throbbing pain was horrible at first, but it soon mellowed off, sending a fresh flood of desire into her pussy. It also roused Ezra beyond what he could control.

He knelt on the bed behind her and pushed her forward. Her arse was pointed upward, her sodden cleft painfully inviting. He stuffed his cock into her hard. She gasped and moved back in time with his urgent thrusting.

Now he roughly fucked her, thrusting deeply and relentlessly; one handheld the ropes across her arms, and the other pulled her head back by the hair. She loved the tension and the manhandling.

Devon watched in fascination and piqued arousal as Kalyndra's eyes rolled in her head and her ever-more urgent moans filled the hut, drowning out the drumming rain and Ezra's heavy breathing.

She was quickly on the edge of coming, and when he reached around to squeeze a nipple, she came hard, moaning and bucking, her bent legs shaking, unable to straighten.

To be continued
Written by nutbuster (D C)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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