Hidden Island Chapter 35, part 1 of 4

Hidden Island
Chapter 35, part 1 of 4

"You alright?" Tonya asked, slowly sticking her head through the door to Will's room.

Janie was sitting on the bed using her rosary like a worry stone. She wasn't even sure why she wore it, but somehow it was comforting. At the very least, it gave her hands something to do while her mind had trouble focusing. "I'll be fine," she answered. "I just... didn't enjoy the conversation."

"Yeah, it was a little weird," Tonya shrugged. She came in and looked around. Will's room took up most of the second floor of the lighthouse, but that didn't mean it was enormous. The lighthouse wasn't designed to be spacious, and Will was an unfortunate combination of not being exceptionally tidy and a collector of all curiosities. At best, his room looked like someone had crammed a large bed and a few dressers into the back room of a museum. Currently, it is worse. When he'd packed to leave, he'd been in a hurry and hadn't worried much about where the things he left behind had ended up. Quite a few of his belongings were somewhat haphazardly strewn around. Calling the state of the space 'cluttered' would be putting it mildly.

"Alright, I take back what I said about Will being refined," Tonya snarked.

Janie laughed, letting go of some of the tension she was carrying. "He has his moments, but in general..." she gestured around the room.

"At least he cleans up nice," Tonya shrugged. She prodded a pile of moldering clothes with her foot. They looked like they'd been stuck together with red tar, burned, and left in a wet pile.

"What the hell does he do up here?"

Janie sighed, smiling despite herself. "Bella accidentally... well, she lit him on fire."

Tonya's eyes went wide. "Oh, I have to hear this story!" She excitedly skipped across the room and sat beside Will's bed beside her.

"I didn't see it personally," Janie said with a slight shrug. "From what I understand, Bella was trying to work some spell, lost control of it, and it discharged the energy to the nearest grounding ward, which happened to be painted on Will. The ward overloaded and lit his shirt on fire."

Tonya's eyes were still wide, but her smile dropped. "Bella drilled it into my head how dangerous that can be. That's not as funny as I thought it would be."

"When I showed up, Bella and Captain Vex were slowly cutting away at Will's body hair to get... whatever that stuff is that Bella uses to paint sigils on people... off of him," Janie continued.

"Oooohhh, that's why his cock hair was trimmed all raggedy!" Tonya grinned again. "Never mind, that is funny."

Tonya's uninhibited words took Janie aback, but she was still amused. She hid a small laugh behind her hand. "I'm sure it has mostly grown back by now."

"Once we get the mirror fixed, we can ask," Tonya winked at her.

It was Janie's turn to be surprised. "We can fix it?"

"I think so," Tonya said. "The anchoring sigils are carved into the mirror's frame, and those aren't broken. As long as the other mirror isn't broken-"

Janie stood up abruptly. "Of course! A new mirror would work the same as the old one! We have to"

"Relax, I already talked to Caine about it. He has that merchant guy looking for one that's big enough," Tonya said, putting her hand on Janie's arm.

"Besides, it's the middle of the night. Where do you think we'll get a mirror right now?"

Janie let herself be pulled back down to the bed. "True," she said, disappointed. "It's just as well. I am not supposed to leave anyway."

"Nope," Tonya said. "So settle in. Caine and I'll take care of everything."

"I still barely know either of you," Janie said. "I don't understand why you're taking such risks on my behalf."

"Bella told me to take care of you so that I will do that. Caine is Will's friend. He's taking care of Will's stuff while he's away.

Besides, we both kinda like you,' Tonya grinned.

"I wondered why Caine had another set of keys to the lighthouse. I didn't even know there was another set of keys." She stopped, looking sideways at Tonya. "Wait. Will's stuff? You think I-"

She couldn't bring herself to say it.

"Close enough," Tonya shrugged. "The Teach gang sure thinks so."

The reminder that her proximity to Will was why she was in hiding was more than enough to prove Tonya's point. She sighed. "True."

"Don't pretend you don't like it,' Tonya nudged her with her elbow.

"Like what?" Janie blinked. She couldn't think of anything she liked about the situation.

"Thinking about being Will's," Tonya explained. "I remember that speech you gave about not wanting any other men but him."

"That doesn't mean she owns me," Janie said firmly.

"Suit yourself," Tonya shrugged. I'm going to check on Caine. Are you alright sharing the bed, or should I find a place downstairs?"

"Sharing is fine," Janie said, a bit distracted. Her mind was wandering. Despite her protests, she found the idea of belonging to Will comforting, and she realized that it disturbed her quite a bit. As Tonya headed for the door, Jania laid down gently, taking care not to be rough with the wounds on her back. It had been a long night, but now she wasn't sure if she could sleep.

"Lay down," Bella said, giving Will a gentle push. "It's easier for me to control the ritual when I'm on top."

Friday hurried back to make room in the middle of the tent, and Will lowered himself between them and rolled over. Bella wasted no time straddling him. She put her hands on his chest and settled herself down, smiling and looking satisfied as her labia ground down along his length. The heat coming from her was impressive. He rolled his hips, and she rocked back and forth, grinding on him, spreading her wetness along his shaft.

"Alright, give me a second," she said, putting her fingers on the sigil in the center of his chest.

She smiled on Friday. "This is great work. The geometry is excellent, and all the emblems and numerology are in exactly the right places."

"It is only a conduit and a containment ward," Friday shrugged, settling in to watch what Bella was doing. "His breathing was the only complication."

"Oops," Will snarked.

"Men are easier than women," Bella commented, lifting her breasts with her forearm and bouncing them a bit. "Tits move around too much."

Friday snickered. "Particularly, yours."

Bella reached over and bounced one of Friday's impressive breasts. "Just wait until you have to work on yourself. These things are going to make you so mad."

"Just have to invite you to help, I," Friday said with a suggestive smirk.

Bella's eyes flashed with a desire that went beyond purely lustful. "I've always wanted a coven."

"Oh gods, there's two of you now," Will said in mock horror.

Bella ground harder on his cock. "Oh yes, poor you."

"Need a third, we," Friday said with a predatory grin. "Two is not a proper coven."

"I have an apprentice," Bella suggested, biting her lip as she rocked her hips, grinding Will's shaft against her most sensitive places.

Will shook his head, imagining adding Tonya to the mix. "I'm going to end up a shriveled husk."

Will suddenly understood what cackling was as the two witches erupted with laughter.

"Bella," Jack said from the next tent. Her tone was beginning to slide from assertive to pleading.

"Yes," Bella asked over her shoulder.

"I am not going to be able to wait much longer," Jack said. She was straining but trying not to sound like she was. Will found himself amused at her efforts and enjoying the fact that she was frustrated. He tried his best not to think negatively about Jack or enjoy when she was unhappy or uncomfortable, but he decided to allow it. He grinned like an idiot.

"Hold on!" Bella said, a bit frantic. She reached between her legs, lifted Will's cock, and positioned him at her entrance. "I can't make a distance connection while I'm drained. I gotta build up some-" Her words cut off as she groaned, sinking into Will's shaft. Will lifted his hips and dug his fingers into her thighs. Her wet heat enveloped him, and he could feel her internal muscles fluttering along his length. Before she could adjust to having him inside her, her eyes went wide. She let out a small squeak and tensed like she was trying to squeeze him out, her body trembling. "Oh...

That was... fast. Alright," she said breathlessly, still not releasing her tension.

"Did you-" Will started.

"Shh," Bella said, putting a finger to his lips. Then she moved her fingertips on the sigil in the center of his chest and concentrated. Next, she touched her sigil with her other hand. "Oh spirits, I needed this,' she muttered. She lifted herself a bit and then rocked her body down again, grinding her pubic bone against his and stirring his shaft inside her.

Will felt a faint tingling pulse spread along the sigil drawn across his body. As the brief wave hit the smaller sigil drawn between his hip bones, he swore he felt his cock get more brutal. It was like a small surge of energy had passed through him and was entering Bella through his erection.

Bella arched her back and bit her lip. "There." She let out a few heavy breaths and rocked her body on Will's cock, pushing him deep inside with every slight bounce.

"Did you just-?" Will asked, surprised and amused.

"Almost," Bella smiled. "I managed to hold back."

"Why?" Will asked.

"Had to use the energy to start the ritual," Bella shrugged.

Friday's brows rose. "You power your rituals by denying yourself climax?"

"Well, I can. Thankfully, I don't often need to," Bella explained.

"That's good. Not sure I would want to pay that price every time," Friday chuckled.

Bella laughed along with her. "Me either. I didn't want to keep Jack waiting."

"Like hell," Jack said, sounding strained.

"I just gave up mine so you could have yours sooner," Bella said, her voice teasing but firm.

"Be nice."

"Bella, I don't know how long I can hold out here," Jack gritted.

"Fine," Bella sighed. She turned her attention to Will. "This may feel strange." Then she laid down against him, bringing their sigils closer together.

Friday's eyes widened, and she put a cautioning hand on Bella's shoulder. Bella stopped, giving Friday a reassuring, lusty smile. "It's alright."

"I thought you said not to touch them?" Will asked.

"I'm not going to," Bella said, looking devious. Their chests and pubic bones were close together but not touching. Will could feel a strange heat beginning to build and a pulsing wave traveling through his body. It was faint but noticeable.

"That is dangerous," Friday said, concerned.

"Right now, there's almost no energy in the transfer," Bella shook her head.

Friday thought for a moment; then her eyes went wide. "You're drinking the buildup!"

Bella nodded, holding herself in place, rocking her hips gently. "It's hard, but a great way of boosting the energy when working in small amounts."

Will followed most of what they were talking about. He'd picked up enough magical theory from being around Bella to fill in the blanks reasonably. He glanced in Jack's direction, an evil thought passing through his mind.

"What?" he asked, trying not to grin.

"When the grounding wards get close to each other, they try to ground each other," Bella explained, rocking on his cock slowly, holding her position close to his chest. Her voice was breathy and full of strain. "That means they try to steal each other's energy. When that happens, they also pull ambient energy from around them. If it gets out of control, it can quickly cause an overload, but I'm draining the buildup into myself. It's not something I can sustain long, and I can't draw in energy fast enough to compensate if the buildup gets out of control, but in tiny amounts, with strong enough wards, it's a way of getting a boost at the beginning of the ritual."

"Clever," Friday said, relaxing again.

"Less talking, more witching!" Jack said sharply from the other tent. Her voice sounded even more strained.

Will snorted, trying to keep from laughing out loud.

"I'm going as fast as I can, Jack!" Bella snapped. "I just used everything I could pull from my orgasm to start this. The ritual is active, but Will and I aren't fully linked yet. Everything's just dumping into the wards right now. I can't finish the connection without drawing in more energy first."

"I'm either going to need to cum, or stop very soon," Jack said through stained teeth.

Bella bit her lip and rocked her shoulders, brushing her swaying breasts across Will's chest.

"She's so demanding."

"You were the one who invited her," Will reminded Bella.

"Had her wound up and on edge for half an hour, you," Friday added.

"Longer," Jack growled from next door.

"Impressive," Will said quietly, enjoying their faces being so close together. "You're the only one who can get her to wait for anything."

"I know," Bella grinned proudly. She gave him a quick kiss, then sat up again. The strange vibration coming from the sigils on Will's chest stopped.

Bella reached out and hooked Friday by the neck, pulling her into a hungry kiss. Will's erection throbbed as he watched the two beauties holler at each other's mouths. When Bella gasped for air, Friday dipped her head and latched onto one of Bella's rosy nipples. Bella gasped again. "Yes! There.

Don't stop."

As Bella writhed on Will's shaft and held Friday's head to her chest, Will felt something strange. It was a bit like the earlier beating from the sigil on his chest, but it was reversed. Bella put her hands on Friday's shoulders to steady herself, closed her eyes, and concentrated on working her magic. Her hips rolled, but her breathing was steady and controlled. There was a rhythm to it. Bella whispered some incantation under her breath in a language Will didn't understand. He'd heard the N'madi tongue enough to recognize it but only knew a few words, mostly from overhearing Bella swear.

After about a minute, she drove down hard on his cock and held herself there triumphantly.

"Mine," she growled. The sigils on her chest pulsed, followed by those on Will's chest. As he watched, the faint pulsings synchronized.

"Done," Bella breathed. "Spirits, I love that feeling. Jack, you're next."

Will felt a strange sensation along the glowing markings, something new and a bit uncomfortable, like being tickled. He wanted to squirm and brush away the feeling, but he knew better than to do anything unexpected during a ritual. He kept his hands on Bella's hips.

"Oh, I feel that," Jack said from the other tent.

"Good," Bella said, letting out a labored breath. "Almost got it... there."

Will felt the tickle fade into the rest of the faint pulsing feeling, synchronizing with the energy already running through the sigils.

To be continued
Written by nutbuster (D C)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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